Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] [coord] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Both Kolisko 's and Boyd 's experiments were painstaking and proved to be impossible for other workers to replicate because of the complicated experimental apparatus involved .
2 It is difficult to compare the perceptions of Labour and Conservative identifiers who read the same paper since the numbers in our sample who read any one paper were low and tended to be drawn predominantly from one party or another .
3 All 1052 people with cystic fibrosis aged over 16 who were alive and known to the Association of Cystic Fibrosis Adults UK ( ACFA ) on 1 July 1990 were studied .
4 Funerals were free and open to all .
5 I wanted to say , as I believed , that the consul was an English person of good sense with a proper grasp of facts , but I was too well brought up to state unequivocally that all foreigners , including Nour , were superstitious and given to exaggeration and unnecessary alarms .
6 The original fuel cells were rotten and needed to be replaced , so new cells and a support system were designed to make the replacement bladders easily accessible to a mechanic by removing the belly skins , straps and parts of the support container .
7 She felt then that S. Kettering 's almost military orders were appropriate and added to the feeling of security about the place .
8 It is likely , however , that the surface workers with the higher SMR for gastric cancer worked underground when they were younger and graduated to a less strenuous and dangerous job with age .
9 Mr Harris said existing laws governing when children could go into pubs were confused and needed to be clarified .
10 The cultural order of stages , however , is determined by the sequence in which these gratifications were frustrated and subjected to inhibition .
11 Stoppages in the early 1960s were numerous but tended to be limited in the numbers of workers involved and in duration .
12 Had she been less committed to parenting , perhaps because her children were older and seen to be less in need of her support , or had it been an event which threatened a role or idea to which she was less committed , perhaps losing a part-time job which she did not enjoy , the effect would be less threatening .
13 He was also charged with forcing the king to bestow the earldom of March upon him in the Salisbury parliament of 1328 and then leading an armed band against the Earl of Lancaster , with procuring the death of the Earl of Rent , fomenting discord between Edward II and Isabella , and other offences which together amounted to a comprehensive indictment of his rule since 1326 , The earls and barons , ‘ the peers of the realm ’ , were asked to give their judgement on these charges and they declared that they were notorious and manifest to all .
14 Initially , these Franco-German telecommunications satellites did not trouble US interests ; they were experimental or confined to educational or other non-commercial purposes .
15 They were indolent and addicted to a life of pleasure : ‘ They get up at any hour they choose , and go out and amuse themselves . ’
16 Tottenham were furious and protested to the League , only to be told that under wartime regulations it was perfectly in order .
17 His eyes were open and seemed to be focusing pretty well , I just said to him , ‘ Hang on in there , Lester ’ — and he seemed to take it in . ’
18 The beginnings were slow and limited to a few sectors where differences in labour costs were important .
19 ‘ The kids were uninhibited and came to music very fresh .
20 As with socialism , its inherent limitations were as important in this respect as its positive aspects : Luis Recabarren founded his Socialist Workers ' party partly out of a conviction that anarchist prohibitions on party and parliamentary activity were short-sighted and had to be rejected .
21 Eggs laid by hens during Lent were hard-boiled and given to children to play with .
22 I suppose this was originally to give a sterile wife a period of grace — she could tell her husband she was pregnant but owing to the machinations of some female rival , the child was ‘ asleep ’ . ’
23 About thirty-five , he was tall and running to fat , his once handsome features now puffed out , his stance a round-shouldered slouch .
24 When she went back he was asleep or pretending to be in his own bed .
25 Keegan said : ‘ Bjorn was terrific and adapted to the pace of the game very well . ’
26 Indeed , rumours about Ruthven were rife — how he was a warlock because he was left-handed and talked to his cat .
27 But it was old and held to the post with bits of string in proper agricultural fashion .
28 This was risky and proved to be an extremely ill-advised tactic .
29 Scheler was anti-positivist and opposed to the ‘ cult of science ’ ( Hamilton 1974 : 75 ) which would appear to be at odds with Stark 's position .
30 Caroline was delighted and set to work transforming her straight , shoulder-length hair into a glamorous new look .
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