Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] [noun sg] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And so a couple of hours later , it was Burkett who drove the coach and four to the top of Dunmail Raise while Hope and Sylvia walked behind to spare the horses the effort , even though , as Burkett had pointed out , two passengers were light work for four horses .
2 He opened jungle and quickly flipped through the opening chapters , which were straightforward advice for well-equipped jungle holidays : ‘ Never put a bare foot on the earth .
3 Congress , not so long ago we had Panorama and I T V , and I congratulate both of 'em , for highlighting to the world the problems of temporary and low paid part-time workers , where one agent went under cover and where Panorama highlighted that temporary working conditions , not of back-street sweatshops , not of the little corner shops down the road , or th or the little needlework factories , but of E M I , one of our biggest producers in this country , that they were employing labour for one year eleven months and twenty eight days and then sacking 'em .
4 The because clauses that required the more complex inferences were , in general , longer than those that required simple inferences , so the combined reading and judgement times were longer overall for these sentences .
5 In the morning foursomes Alliss and Dawson were level par for 17 holes in defeating Bruce Critchley and Warren Humphreys on the 18th green , the only blemish on their card coming in the shape of a 7 on the 7th hole .
6 One of them is enclosed in the letters written by the same ship , another bill is sent overland to the factor or party to whom the goods are consigned , the third remaineth with the merchant , for his testimony against the master , if there were any occasion for loose dealing ; but especially it is kept for to serve in case of loss , to recover the value of the goods of the assurors that have undertaken to bear the adventure with you .
7 They sat down at the table , and took out of their pockets packets of cigarettes , lighters and calculators , placing these objects carefully in front of them as if they were necessary equipment for some game they were about to play .
8 Tate , an ambitious poet whose few irreplaceable poems were yet to come , was by 1927 in animated correspondence with two poets , Yvor Winters ( 1900–1968 ) and Hart Crane ( 1899-1932 ) , who were at one , if in little else , in their certainty that Eliot 's fame and Eliot 's precedent were bad news for American poetry .
9 The length of time during which the frontiers of the Christian and Moorish regions continued to shift , meant that there was ample opportunity for cultural and religious exchange .
10 There was strong support for this suggestion from every category of respondent , only 10% of the total registering disapproval .
11 As in the 1979 report , despite developments in Biblical scholarship , it asserted that throughout the Bible there was strong disapproval for homosexual practice but sinful human beings still have to make moral sense of their lives :
12 ‘ The adventure of poverty by young white people in love ghettos across the country , like Haight-Ashbury and the Lower East Side ’ , wrote Emmett Grogan in Ringolevio , ‘ was pleasant fakery for most of them .
13 ( He was assistant editor for 18 years . )
14 A penalty goal by Mark McKenzie and the stand-off 's conversion of a try by David Elliot of Langholm connections was scant reward for incessant attack by Stirling .
15 But there was scant comfort for some of London 's famous teaching hospitals , like St Bartholomew 's in the City , which faces closure .
16 Yet , apart from a few family friends , there was little support for such views .
17 It became widely accepted that the attackers were predominantly black , although there was little evidence for this belief .
18 There was little hope for political enlightenment in the provinces at a time when the number of literary centres and of those attending them fell to one-tenth of what they had risen to in 1921 .
19 He had managed to find the General , but with one eye pointing up at the sky and the other angled down at his nose , there was little scope for effective communication .
20 Let's put it this way : because of the occasional lightning strike and buckets of water from the celestial quarter there was little opportunity for sevens hookers to ply their ancient trade .
21 When , as in Scotland , little was asked , there was little need for strenuous efforts to direct and control local affairs from the centre , little to arouse opposition .
22 In a ‘ sellers market ’ , similar to that which pertained in the United Kingdom after World War Two , there was little need for promotional activity because demand exceeded supply and whatever was produced was taken up immediately by the market .
23 On cine-film at 200 frames per second there was little tolerance for imprecise recording , hence the need to get the angles and focus exact before the commencement of play .
24 You will understand then something of the climate prevailing around Darlington Hall by the time of my father 's fall in front of the summerhouse — this occurring as it did just two weeks before the first of the conference guests were likely to arrive — and what I mean when I say there was little room for any ‘ beating about the bush ’ .
25 It seems likely that the party had done so well then that there was little room for further advance , rather than that its performance in 1990 was especially poor .
26 There was little room for popular participation except through the ballot box , and the public was given no real right to press demands onto governments or parties .
27 The second half was one-way traffic for long periods — Midlands on a rather misguided rampage , the Springboks showing their physical strength in the tackle .
28 When an aircraft went on detachment , it was normal practice for those on board to stow their personal baggage in the bomb bays along with the aircraft spares and tool kits and this trip was no exception .
29 The existence of league tables was further evidence for older officers of inroads into their enforcement discretion and of lack of knowledge among their senior staff of the hard realities of pollution control work .
30 Believe it or not there was lively bidding for this slice of history at Christies … the selling price was 990 pounds .
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