Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] down [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 All utterances that were more than 10 words in length were broken down into clauses of less than 10 words thereby producing a total of 115 utterances with an average of 7.07 words and 26.56 phonemes per utterance .
2 Her words were written down by recorders , whom she sometimes exhorted to write faster to keep pace with her .
3 In the sacred grove your white mosque glimmered mystically and the creepers were bowed down with flowers . ’
4 Reactors were closed down during gales
5 Fred 's generation were going down like flies .
6 Well I mean , they were handed down for generations .
7 Suggestions that the Kuwaitis know something no-one else does were played down by analysts , still desperately clinging to fading hopes of Lloyds Bank emerging with a rival offer next week .
8 ‘ Have you any notion who might have killed him , Inspector ? ’ said the Bishop , clearly feeling that , if matters were getting down to fundamentals , it was time he played a part .
9 In the UK all Iraqis were from Jan. 19 required to have visas to enter the country , and strict registration procedures were laid down for Iraqis who were in the UK on limited leave ; as of Jan. 29 , out of 101 Iraqis detained since the beginning of the year 42 ( together with seven Palestinians ) were currently in detention awaiting deportation , 21 had left or had been deported and three had been released ; 35 serving members of the Iraqi armed forces were being held in military custody .
10 In the early 1970s geological research highlighted the fact that lead ores carried distinctive isotope ratio signatures ' , depending upon the geological period when they were laid down as deposits .
11 Although clear guidelines were set down for teachers on the minimum time commitment and core content of each of the projects , the organisation and management of the projects were at the discretion of the teacher .
12 Such a statement is a far cry from the years immediately after independence , when many country houses were burnt down as symbols of British oppression .
13 Suitcases that had once been quite light now felt as if they were weighed down with stones .
14 Many legends naturally grew around this barren and ancient land and were passed down through generations .
15 Twenty-five years ago they were knocked down by bombs .
16 Although the gliders were left facing at right angles to the wind and were weighted down with tyres in the approved manner , when the first strong thermal went off nearby the wind would become gusty and change direction completely .
17 However it was broken down into sub-categories and these revealed non-completion rates of around 25% for those entering with ONC/OND or with no qualifications compared with a 15% non-completion rate for those with ‘ standard ’ qualifications .
18 Fenton was tracked down by police after leaving the vital clue at the third burglary .
19 But permission was turned down by councillors so officers have demanded any future breaches of conditions could result in officers taking action .
20 Rudolf Gunther , was shot down by fighters , this probably the ‘ Do215 ’ claimed jointly by Rippon , Pain and Ayre .
21 Off he went with Mort , beaming happily , so delighted to be flying again , and yes — you 've guessed it — Flt Lt Mort 's plane was shot down in flames and no-one got out .
22 Dredge was shot down in flames in Hurricane Z3057 on 6 May , only ten days after arriving on Malta ; he baled out , badly burned , and was probably the first victim claimed over the island by Ritterkreuzträger Oblt .
23 And all Mr Clinton 's supporters look nervous when reminded that California 's Proposition 166 , which tried to make firms pay for health-insurance for all their employees , was shot down in flames last November on the grounds that it would destroy jobs .
24 The rain was pouring down in torrents and visibility was poor .
25 And what happened er then when you when the family was going down like flies ?
26 The first reactor was closed down for repairs earlier this year after a gas leak .
27 The chairs upon which they sat or leaned were gilded or of shining chrome and glass ; bales of material were half unfurled to spill around more silk and satin ; jewellery was flung down in handfuls upon tables or simply on the ground .
28 For a shocked moment he thought Forster was carrying a man over his shoulder , then he saw what it was , and understood why Lawton was weighed down with cylinders .
29 Pretty much the same sort of shit was coming down at AMS , if we 'd gone looking for it , and of course it was happening all over town at well-known locations : St Mary 's , St Andrew 's , St Anne 's .
30 There was no shelter anywhere , and the rain was coming down in torrents , while the mist was rolling here and there in thick white clouds .
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