Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] [prep] those day " in BNC.

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1 Erm the work that I became , as it happened , mostly concerned with was the erm granting of major scholarships as they were then called which subsequently became called County Awards and er which were attainable in those days only at universities
2 Which was , say , when they 'd started the the roll of bacon , there always used to be some little bits before they got the full rashers , well , you could n't sell those , you could n't s I mean even though things were tight in those days , you could n't sell any sort of bacon , you either sold best back , or you sold belly bacon .
3 We were destitute in those days
4 Under the patriarchy of Winston Churchill , homosexuals and teenagers were not marginal but invisible , except when they surfaced as victims of the latest moral panic , of which there were many in those days .
5 Erm of which were there were many in those days er , not so many today of course but er er ooh I should say there were probably on Vale which was our nearest sort of shopping area to where we lived , there were probably two or three erm shoe repairers , including , and you could go and buy leather there .
6 Nor did it occur to me then to enquire how it was possible in those days for a keen Wesleyan Methodist to become a publican .
7 Anything of quality was exciting in those days , for the usual run of food was of a dullness today hardly comprehensible .
8 Traffic was light in those days and I explored South Wiltshire — in fact the whole area some fifteen miles around Salisbury .
9 Besides , she was different in those days . "
10 It was customary in those days for the ablest students to be given some responsibility for teaching the younger pupils .
11 Er , and I mean , as was conventional in those days , you educate , your sons went to school and you try and , educated your girls at home , but the , the aunt put her foot down and said she would n't do it .
12 Mind you , he was younger in those days , and a fit man in spite of his leg . ’
13 But I was younger in those days .
14 Did they still think the Earth was flat in those days ?
15 I do n't know what happened to the front entrance , but there was a basement underneath there and my first wife was dancing in Harvey Martin 's dance hall underneath , her pal and herself she , they 'd gone to this dance it was a dancing lesson on a Saturday night it was famous in those days Harvey Martin 's dance class er yes I
16 ‘ I suppose I was cocky in those days , although inwardly nervous , ’ recalled Crawford .
17 It was uncommon in those days , and still is , for publishers to commission artists of such quality to illustrate cookery books , and a little of the success of Boulestin 's early books must be acknowledged to his publishers who , no doubt under the guidance of their author , produced them in so appropriate a form , in large type , on thick paper : chunky , easy little books to handle , attractively bound .
18 I can not say that my school days were particularly happy ones and I was not sorry to leave when I got to the official leaving age , which was fourteen in those days .
19 Erm mind you it was really a step onto something else that as far as I was concerned in those days I meant o go to sea of course and er that was the best place you could have er to serve an apprenticeship because everything er I mean it was one of the As everything was starting to get specialized in in other works nowadays it 's gone completely now .
20 No I 'm not saying it 's unpleasant I 'm saying it was trendy in those days .
21 IT WAS one of those days which news editors will remember on their death-beds .
22 ‘ It was one of those days when it seemed like I had to climb a mountain .
23 It was one of those days when snow fell all day without sticking and the cold seemed to penetrate right to the bone .
24 It was one of those days which all professional golfers have to endure , when their swing is n't quite right .
25 After she had roared off , it was one of those days when I had the house to myself .
26 It was one of those days where she stood staring at corridors of soup cans , dithering between chicken korma and coconut or sweetcorn and satay .
27 It was one of those days when police academy cadets were controlling the traffic and miles of brightly coloured taxi-cabs slithered very slowly up the avenue of graceful skyscrapers like banded snakes between jungle trees .
28 It was one of those days , I was bloody minded …
29 The third seed was beaten in four sets by the 18th-ranked Czech and the highly-rated Swede was forced to admit : ‘ It was one of those days . ’
30 Well erm you see although I learned shorthand and typing it was better money and that was the reason I had to do it , I 've passed my exams in shorthand but er probably there were n't enough offices then to employ a good many clerks , but erm they er it was a very big fellow who used to ring the bell and the bell was on the outside , he was named Tom but I ca n't for the life of me think erm what his other name was but , erm it used to put the fear through us I can tell you if we were around the corner and we heard that bell ringing but erm they , they were a good firm to work for and , but they were strict but everywhere was strict in those days , we had to accept it but it was a long long hours , but erm they knew I had some , I , I enjoyed it and I 'd go back again only I 'm too old .
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