Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] in some way " in BNC.

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1 All Were injured in some way like me .
2 He wondered it if were connected in some way with the fouling of the water system .
3 What and they were matched in some way ?
4 The absence of a non-Roman catholic school in the immediate area and the naïve belief that they were empowered in some way to have a say in what type of school should appear on their housing estate — there was a small Roman catholic school which was to be expanded to cater for the growth of the population — may have sharpened catholic parents ' interest in having an integrated school .
5 Roughly a third of the population are estimated to have suffered directly from the bombing : more than a quarter of homes in Germany were damaged in some way ; fourteen million persons lost some property through bombing ; between seventeen and twenty millions were deprived at some time of electricity , gas , or water ; nearly five millions had to evacuate because of ‘ air terror ’ ; 305,000 people were killed .
6 Approximately 800 of Kuwait 's 950 oil wells were damaged in some way by the Iraqi forces , as were the country 's three oil refineries .
7 better knowledge ( because of the database — 18 per cent of new debts were linked in some way to debts already known )
8 Most , like their predecessors , were armoured in some way , with heavy scales attached to bony plates in the skin , and they had fearsome teeth in their jaws .
9 This was to compensate in some way for the rather poor salaries .
10 As Wilson mentions , she had recently had a harrowing shock , so it is possible that she was hallucinating in some way and that , by chance , her hallucinations corresponded approximately with historical reality .
11 She might have had a brief illness best treated outside the home , or it is possible that the balance of her mind was disturbed in some way .
12 Initial excavations indicate that it was related in some way to the others , but had no buildings within the rampart .
13 In the remainder of the cases in the first two teams , either no service was offered , service was declined by the client , or the assessment was preempted in some way ( for example , by the client entering hospital ) .
14 ‘ And the first time the door to the viewing room was locked in some way ? ’
15 At the same time they implied a threat of punishment against the user if the coin was abused in some way .
16 She found that the recipients fought hard against the idea that they were ‘ at the receiving end ’ and went to great lengths to ensure that their parents ' support was reciprocated in some way .
17 Children performed better when the day was structured in some way .
18 I responded as usual by smiling slightly — sufficient at least to indicate that I was participating in some way with the good-humouredness with which he was carrying on — and waited to see if my employer 's permission regarding the trip would be forthcoming .
19 Changez 's left arm was withered in some way , and stuck on the end of the attenuated limb was a lump of hard flesh the size of a golf ball , a small fist , with only a tiny thumb projecting from the solid mass where there should have been nimble , shop-painting , box-carrying fingers .
20 She was no naturalist , but it seemed to her that every living thing around her was controlled in some way , by some — force : prevented from over-breeding , over-growing .
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