Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] to [be] the " in BNC.

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1 Very few pagan cemeteries were in use throughout the period , and those that were tend to be the large examples in eastern England which may have been centralised depositories , not belonging to individual settlements .
2 Most of those leaving the cities have had to buy their way out if they wanted to live in environmentally more-attractive areas that , particularly in the south of England and — to some extent — increasingly elsewhere , were proving to be the most economically active .
3 Moreover , the SPOs — who were intended to be the key link between ‘ bottom-up ’ development and strategic planning — had large managerial responsibilities and were grafted on to the developmental CMHT model rather than being key initiators of it .
4 The Mechonoids were intended to be the next ‘ big thing ’ from Doctor Who after the Daleks .
5 A Captain Beechey , sent by the newly established Marine Department of the Board of Trade to discuss their grievances and explain the Act had some difficulty in convincing his audience that Shipping Officers were intended to be the seamen 's friends , and that the Register Ticket , far from being a " badge of slavery " , gave them advantages .
6 Those who attempted to manage the political affairs of a county or district of burghs had not only to contribute towards any public project in their area , they were expected to be the leading subscribers , and it mattered little whether or not they agreed with the project in view .
7 The proposals , described as the most far-reaching for 50 years , were expected to be the subject of intense lobbying from the financial and banking sectors when they came before Congress for approval .
8 The applications were expected to be the same as those already noted .
9 Strangely enough , it was Factory Records who were reported to be the front runners , but these rumours were strongly denied by Factory .
10 Of the aircraft to be supplied 48 were reported to be the most advanced version , the F-15E Strike Eagle — never before exported — although with slightly downgraded navigational and weapons systems .
11 I can assure Mr Faris that the issues he raises were looked at and that the disclosures adopted were considered to be the most appropriate in the circumstances .
12 We had the potent , theoretical motivator of vast unemployment in the area , and those who were working for us were considered to be the fortunate .
13 Furthermore , we have noted that in the UK during most of the 1950s and 1960s employment and the balance of payments were considered to be the most important macroeconomic objectives by both Labour and Conservative governments .
14 and Eoanthropus or ‘ Piltdown Man , ’ the jaw of an orangutan and the skull of a modern human that were claimed to be the ‘ earliest Englishman ’ .
15 A right-wing group , the Committee to Save Democracy , supported by one-quarter of the country 's mayors and by armed former contras , blocked major roads with barricades in November to back demands for ( i ) a bigger role for Godoy in the government ; ( ii ) the dismissal of Gen. Ortega ; ( iii ) the withdrawal of troops from several regions ; and ( iv ) the dismissals of Lacayo , Minister of the Presidency , and Hurtado , the Interior Minister , who were claimed to be the chief architects of government policy [ see pp. 37849-50 ] .
16 Other major weaknesses were said to be the emphasis on skilled employment , of either the apprenticed or respectable kind , and the individualist approach to the problem .
17 These ‘ Masters ’ were said to be the hidden wise men who were spread around the world with the aim of bringing in a New World Order .
18 By 1991 , the Levellers , then without a chart hit to their name , were said to be the fourth most bankable live band in the country .
19 From August onwards the newspapers were over-flowing with the exploits of the various gangs in London : the ‘ Lion Boys ’ from the Lion and Lamb in Clerkenwell ; the so-called ‘ Clerkenwell ‘ pistol Gang' ’ ’ ; the ‘ Girdle Gang ’ which took its name from Thomas , alias ‘ Tuxy ’ , Girdle ; the ‘ Somers Town Gang ’ who were said to be the pests of Euston Road and Gower Street ; the ‘ Pinus Gang ’ who infested Leather Lane and Clerkenwell ; the ‘ Drury Lane Boys ’ ; the notorious ‘ Waterloo Road Gang ’ ; the ‘ Pickett Gang ’ ; , ‘ McNab 's ’ ; the ‘ Rest Gang ’ ; the ‘ Fulham Boys ’ ; the ‘ Chelsea Boys ’ ; the ‘ Velvet Cap Gang ’ ; the ‘ Plaid-Cap Brigade ’ from Poplar ; the gangs who romped around King Street and Great Church Lane in Hammersmith and who were said to be ‘ not ‘ Hooligans ’ ’ but worse' ; and many others , including a band of youngsters who had adopted the dare-devil title of the ‘ Dick Turpin Gang ’ .
20 The key outstanding issues were said to be the establishment of a single army , modalities of a ceasefire , and elections .
21 Main topics of the latest talks were said to be the new pluralist political system , a draft electoral law , and a timetable and monitoring arrangements for multiparty elections due to be held in 1992 .
22 Floods in the southern provinces of Kompong Speu , Takeo , Kampot and Kandal which had begun in mid-August [ see p. 38390 ] and were said to be the worst in 50 years , left 100 people dead and washed away houses , roads , bridges and railway lines , and by Sept. 4 were threatening Phnom Penh .
23 Two groups implicated were said to be the National Democratic Alliance ( NDA — an alliance formed in 1989 which grouped the opposition parties , including the Umma party , with the SPLA ) and a hitherto unknown group , Ana al-Sudan ( " I am Sudan " ) .
24 If confirmed by official figures , this will be an 80 per cent reduction on 1987 's figure , when carbon emissions from burning rain forest were said to be the third largest contributor to the greenhouse effect .
25 Finance was a constant source of tension within the city , and increasingly the city 's problems in this area were seen to be the fault of the Poles .
26 Freemasons were seen to be the power behind the French Revolution , whose role in contemporary disturbances such as the Russian Revolution had been taken over by the Jews .
27 An SD report at the end of January 1942 noted that ‘ the pictures from the Führer Headquarters were felt to be the high-point of the newsreel ’ , and that ‘ not enough pictures of the Führer could be shown ’ .
28 They were ceasing to be the almost monastic institutions of the past .
29 In the 15th century the town and its palace were thought to be the most beautiful in all Italy .
30 For 84% of the farms the practical type courses already provided by the ATB were thought to be the most suitable method of providing training .
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