Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The air-conditioning ducts serving his quarters and bureaux as well as the politburo 's chamber and other appropriate parts of the building were ripped out in a most difficult , complicated exercise .
2 ‘ The anti-aircraft rockets I fired were propelled up to a height of 1,000 yards .
3 If we understand the cold war as imaginary war , a situation in which the Fordist variant of capitalism needed the stalinist variant of socialism , in which the two systems were propped up by a never-ending pretend confrontation , then the collapse of communism was bound to lead to a dramatic reaction in the West .
4 One of the theories about the abandoned ship Marie Celeste is that the crew were plucked off by a hungry kraken .
5 At Eton , the Southern trialists were whittled down to a 16-man squad to face Essex at Forest on 5 November .
6 They were building up to a strong finish with ‘ The Skater 's Waltz ’ and Noreen knew her number would go up next .
7 We were marched out in a crocodile , just like schoolgirls — were n't allowed to go out two-by-two or in threes or fours , but all in a line so we would n't disturb the pedestrians .
8 Others were painted on to a dry plaster surface .
9 Fine creases where the colour had flaked off the shoes were painted in with a rich reunite of permanent rose and white , whilst permanent rose was used alone for some minor details like the punchmarks on the orange strap loops and the stitching around the edges of the straps themselves .
10 Well there were two that were bandied about as a cost of national Of social chapter in this department .
11 Some 4,000 media workers covering the conference were based in an exhibition hall 2 km away , where the proceedings were relayed on to a giant screen .
12 The objects were flown back in a UN cargo plane .
13 I was too tired , only vaguely conscious that we had come off the canal bank and were angling down across a steep slope of stony ground to the rice-green flatness of the valley floor .
14 While the lucky 30 guinea pigs in Bruno 's experiment were sampling his alternative dishes , the other pupils were tucking in to a typical school dinner of beefburger in a bap , sautee potatoes and jacket potato in cheese , or open sandwiches .
15 The centre of each side was then painted with light green oxide and the remaining corner squares were filled in with a mixture of ultramarine violet and titanium white .
16 it were rolled up in a wood set er cardboard cylinder and it fetched half a million did n't it ?
17 Two years ago , she and John Orbell , archivist of Baring Brothers and chairman of the Council 's Liquidations and Rescue Support Group , were tipped off by a friendly Extel employee about the news agency 's imminent takeover by United Newspapers .
18 They were tipped off by a person claiming that the stand in West Bromwich , West Midlands , was not licensed to sell the reptiles .
19 Police discovered them in a raid , after they were tipped off by a buyer who had seen this advert in the motoring magazine Exchange and Mart .
20 In LONDON dealers were gearing up for a rush of prospective buyers .
21 Twenty-five days later three survivors , all wounded , were picked up from a raft and taken to Capetown .
22 They were picked up by a Kalafrana H.S.L. ( High Speed Launch ) and proved to be the crew of a Ju87 .
23 All the bills were picked up by a consortium of local banks and newspapers .
24 There they were picked up by a white ship crewed by the remnants of the Queen 's Guard .
25 His choice of words , perhaps , was unfortunate , especially as they were picked up by a TV microphone and broadcast clearly to the nations .
26 The refugees were picked up by a convoy of buses at the Austrian border .
27 Then we were picked up in a BBC limo to go and review the papers on Breakfast Time .
28 The few gypsies remaining on the site this afternoon , who 've asked not to be identified , claim they were picked on in a motiveless attack .
29 The winning department was given two tea sets and the names of the employees were picked out of a hat to find the winners .
30 To our utter dismay and astonishment , he told us that our certificates meant nothing at all to him or BSAC and that ‘ even if Jacques Cousteau were to come along with a PADI qualification , no notice would be taken of it . ’
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