Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [prep] [adj] a " in BNC.

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1 At the infrastructural level , the highways and transport system of Israel , Gaza and the West Bank were developed in such a way that it became increasingly easy to drive from Israel direct to one of the West Bank Jewish settlements without passing through Arab population centres .
2 A couple of double spring mattresses were placed across half a dozen apple cases .
3 ( In this context it may be mentioned that in Athenian law courts it became the custom to have a clepsydra to ensure that most speeches were limited to half an hour . )
4 Copious quantities of Champagne wine were consumed by such a large influx of visitors , enabling the vineyards to flourish and the vignerons to prosper , and leading to the export of both the wine and its reputation throughout the growing markets of Europe .
5 Articles of government were altered in such a way as to increase the range of governors ' overall responsibilities .
6 Lieberman and Michaels ( 1962 ) found that they could get reasonably accurate recognition of attitudes using short recording of sentences spoken in different ways , but that when the recordings were distorted in such a way that most acoustic information was removed ( e.g. the speech sounds , voice quality , loudness variations etc. ) leaving only the pitch information — that part traditionally equated with intonation — listeners ' ability to recognise the attitudes was seriously reduced .
7 The five oligonucleotides shown in Fig. 5 were designed in such a way that the two motifs GGGCCC and AAAAA are differentially separated .
8 The keys were organised in such a way to prevent the typist from typing too quickly and thereby prevent the mechanically-operated rods of the typewriter from sticking .
9 The problem is that the early lists of historic buildings were done at such a pace that they had to be assessed largely on the basis of their exteriors .
10 Unfortunately at the press conference our careful recommendations about the importance of Standard English were presented in such a way that many journalists came away with the false impression that we did not mind if children spoke dialect rather than Standard English .
11 The groups were selected in such a way that each should contain a fairly equal proportion of aristocrats , diplomats , artists , men of letters and distinguished academics .
12 Skilfully applied , these cuts were made in such a way as to protect the sectors ' long-term business-base stability .
13 Any mother would know if their daughters were lying over such a major thing .
14 In the mid-Eighties , when Bacons were selling for half a million dollars , he did it again by selling a Bacon Pope belonging to Dufferin for over $1 million .
15 Donna glanced at the other visitors , noticing how diverse an audience were drawn to such a building .
16 It was at one time said that statutes were drafted in such a way as to be intelligible only to lawyers .
17 Some of the defenders of the domestic load , such as Dennis Bellamy ( chairman of the Yorkshire Board ) , occasionally quoted cost and load data to justify their views , but these were based on such a biased sample of observations that it was difficult for any serious enquirer to accept them at face value .
18 Plus , the majority of the numbers were rigged in such a way that , what with lighting effects and special effects , they had to be the same length .
19 So if you were commenting on such a section as this , you would have a great deal of things to say on , just on the letter forms as they appear on the page .
20 Seeing his ideas — which were greeted with such a chill at first — take off , was a tremendous boost to the Prince of Wales .
21 However , to lay claim to the land , settlers were compelled in such a milieu to be seen to clear it of trees , so the result was ecologically undesirable .
22 Under the terms of this formula resources in the NHS were distributed in such a way as to favour areas of the country traditionally under-provided with services , such as the Trent region in the Midlands .
23 Whatever , the cops eventually moved on and the Englishman and I were spared the task of explaining what such an unlikely pair of lads as ourselves were doing with such a gleaming trophy .
24 Later research showed that they were in fact storehouses and workshops , attached to hut-dwelling communities during the first and second centuries AD : quernstones were found in such a cellar at Barns of Airlie , and a chamber in a Carlungie souterrain seems to have been used for both stone and metal working .
25 In reply to Lanark Road residents ’ objections , perhaps a good example of how carriageway reduction can simultaneously reduce traffic speed and volume is Niddrie Mains Road , where 4 lanes were reduced to 2 a couple of years ago .
26 Almost certainly if you were suffering from such an illness you would have other symptoms to indicate that you were unwell .
27 Blue whales are no longer hunted , but their numbers were depleted to such an extent in the past that present populations ( perhaps of only a few hundred individuals ) may be too small to recover .
28 On 5 May UK bank base rates were cut by half a point to 10% , but further falls in interest rates may have to wait until Germany begins to cut its rates .
29 There was a further easing of monetary policy on April 4 , 1991 , when interest rates were cut by half a percentage point to 11.5 per cent .
30 ‘ He is still angry at the two-week delay which occurred between the day he was tested and the way the results were announced in such a public manner . ’
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