Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [conj] say [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Some of those who took part in Ket 's Rebellion in Norfolk in 1549 were reported as saying that " gentlemen have ruled aforetime , and they ( the commons , that is ) will rule now . "
2 Rangoon-based diplomats were reported as saying that the number of political detainees was much higher than the official figure .
3 Members of the Islamic Nahdah movement ( Mouvement de la renaissance ) , led by Rachid Ghanouchi , were reported as saying that they had not put up candidates because of the government 's continued refusal officially to recognise the party .
4 On March 31 , Sierra Leonean commanders were reported as saying that 2,150 men of the 3,000-strong national army had occupied part of Lofa County in Liberia .
5 European observers were reported as saying that they had witnessed no serious problems during voting but did not comment on the claim of fraud after the close of stations .
6 On Oct. 1 Russian observers who had arrived in Baku , the Azerbaijani capital , on Sept. 28 to monitor the ceasefire , were reported as saying that in Kazakh district there were no hostilities and that they were to move on to Kubatlin district next day .
7 Opposition sources were cited as saying that the Vice-President , Ali Salem al-Bid , was in seclusion , having effectively resigned .
8 Colleagues were quoted as saying that Heber was rarely seen on campus .
9 Unnamed friends of the prince were quoted as saying that he would never be involved in a slanging match with Diana .
10 UN officials were quoted as saying that the Sudanese government had allowed the international relief operation to be recommenced following pressure from donor governments .
11 By late June , however , close political aides of the PPP leader Benazir Bhutto were quoted as saying that the party was willing to co-operate with the army in putting an end to a " reign of terror " by its political rival , the Sind-based Mohajir Qaumi Mahaz ( MQM ) .
12 Hong Kong officials were quoted as saying that none of the deportees , the first to be sent back since Patten 's arrival , had offered resistance .
13 IN YESTERDAY 'S parliamentary sketch ( page 5 ) , Mr Tim Janman MP ( Conservative , Thurrock ) was reported as saying that Britain would take even one refugee from Hong Kong ‘ over my dead body . ’
14 It was the time of suffragettes and Mr Norman McCorquodale was reported as saying that a spray of water through the hose on them would be a good thing .
15 A senior police officer was reported as saying that ‘ we believe he was influenced by some blue videos he had seen ’ .
16 She was reported as saying that the trial had taught her one important lesson as a barrister — how the victim feels — and called for changes in the law which would give greater protection to victims .
17 In August 1953 Sir John Nott-Bower took over as the new Commissioner at Scotland Yard and was reported as saying that he would ‘ rip the covers off all London 's filth spots ’ .
18 The former Lord Chancellor , Lord Hailsham , was reported as saying that the Government was ‘ thinking with its bottom and sitting on its head ’ .
19 Just a fortnight ago , on 14 November , Councillor Mike Hastie , who is the Tory leader on Aberdeen district council , was reported as saying that he could not believe that the Government would now push through the measures .
20 One of the narcotics experts was reported as saying that there was evidence that provincial Army commanders were involved in trafficking heroin and that some senior military figures in Rangoon also had an interest in the drugs business .
21 On Feb. 23 the leader of the government delegation to the Rome talks , Transport and Communications Minister Armando Guebuza , was reported as saying that the MNR 's reading of the Rome agreement differed from that of the government 's .
22 On Aug. 19 he made a dramatic call for resistance , standing on one of the tanks stationed outside the Supreme Soviet building ( 10 tanks went over to Yeltsin on the night of Aug. 19 — see below ; the commander of tanks stationed outside the Russian Supreme Soviet building was reported as saying that he would not order an attack on Yeltsin . )
23 President Menem , who was not obliged by the Constitution to call an election , was reported as saying that one was not necessary since his brother was Duhalde 's " natural successor as established by the law " .
24 After his meeting with Jorge Mas Canosa , leader of the Miami-based Cuban-American National Foundation ( CANF ) , in late December [ see p. 38669 ] , the Russian Foreign Minister , Andrei Kozyrev was reported as saying that all aid to Cuba would be halted .
25 Foreign Affairs Minister Michael Somare was reported as saying that he was " confident the agreement would bring lasting peace to Bougainville " .
26 Abdurahim Pulatov , leader of the Birlik movement , was reported as saying that " the totalitarian regime has been destroyed in Moscow but in Tashkent it continues to exist " .
27 In Azerbaijan , Demirel was reported as saying that a peaceful solution should be found to Azerbaijan 's " just war " in Nagorny Karabakh .
28 Tony Zinni , operations director of the US military command , was reported as saying that US forces were about to begin seizing armed vehicles from the Somali factions , indicating , according to observers , that the US forces were adopting the more vigorous strategy advocated by Boutros-Ghali .
29 On 9 February 1986 Premier Moussavi was reported as saying that Saudi and Kuwaiti exports were the main factors in the collapse of prices .
30 Some years ago the technical director of Hyatt International Hotels was reported as saying that ‘ if the air conditioning works , the telephone system works and the lift installation works , there is a good chance that the hotel works ’ .
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