Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [conj] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For their part artists were experimenting and drawing on the insights provided by the colour theorists .
2 The payment was made without deduction of tax , and pension rights were treated as ending on 5 November 1979 .
3 They were singing and clapping to the rhythm .
4 The action project began on 1 April 1984 and any people aged 65 or over who were referred to the hospital psychogeriatric service during the 12 months to the end of March 1985 and who were diagnosed as suffering from dementia , became members of the action sample if they lived in the action area , and of the control sample if their home was in the control area ( so long as they were not living permanently in an institution at the time of referral and they or their carers gave consent for their inclusion ) .
5 It is to be noted that this proposition appears to have been doubted by the Court of Appeal subsequently in Francome v. Mirror Group Newspapers Ltd , where Sir Robert 's remarks were distinguished as relating to a case involving the detection of crime .
6 Up on the Wolds , the Scots were looting and killing at Malton and around the villages of Kilham and Rudston ; shrewdly the prior of Bridlington sent a Scottish-born canon to Malton to negotiate for the safety of his house , while at the same time the priory prudently removed all its muniments , vestments and precious relics ( a piece of the true cross among them ) to Goxhill , in Lincolnshire , and left only eight canons with one chalice in Bridlington .
7 They were laughing and joking throughout the meal .
8 They were laughing and talking as if nobody were there at all but the two of them and she could see the source of Felipe 's annoyance .
9 EC stocks were reported as amounting to 100 days of consumption , implying a need for action .
10 Outside in the howling , flobs of rain were twisting and twining around the few remaining hutches .
11 It was so hot that Perdita would have liked to have worn shorts or a dress , but her mosquito bites had come up in huge red bumps and were oozing and itching like mad , so she settled for her pale pink jeans and a dark blue shirt .
12 At one time both were seen as sustaining of democracy in Britain .
13 Such personalities were seen as objectifying within the personality a particular sort of social and political ideology , which was the product of determinable social processes .
14 The two sets of pressures on the state — to meet demands for social welfare and other expenditure tied up with the legitimacy of the political system , and to provide the conditions for capitalist accumulation — were seen as leading to a growing ‘ fiscal crisis of the state ’ ( O'Connor 1973 ) .
15 A national survey of parent education and support found that all too often parents were seen as falling into one of two camps : either they were coping adequately and were considered to need no assistance , or they fell below an accepted level of ‘ good parenting ’ and became the focus of immediate state intervention ( Pugh and De'Ath , 1984 ) .
16 Upon their marriage they had moved from Allerthorpe to the market town and in 1881 were living and working in the Market Place , next door to Henry King the ratcatcher and close to two other saddlers .
17 Then spring again , and with the greening of the land the creature gave birth to birds before waiting in the deepest thicket for the call of the Men who were hunting and gathering from the forest .
18 These assurances , however , were accepted as relating to constitutional theory .
19 Official denials by the Argentine Foreign Office were interpreted as playing for time to avoid loss of face .
20 Tax increases were avoided but spending on a wide variety of government programmes was frozen or limited ; one of the most controversial aspects of the budget was the plan to place a two-year freeze on increases in federal transfer payments to provinces for health care and secondary education programmes .
21 With the words had come the fleeting impression of dark , sinuous creatures who could slither out of the shadows and wind their cold , serpentine fingers about you , so that you were trapped , who could twine about your entire body , so that you were smothered and suffocating from the cold embrace …
22 In August , however , she and Andrew were billing and cooing about each other in Hello ! magazine .
23 Some gradually lost their memory and all their skills as they aged , and were classified as suffering from senile dementia .
24 Oh we were waiting and waiting in the end we got in the car .
25 She peered closely at the surrounding mass of faces , comprising ten of the cleaner or nicer-looking boys from the boarding section , who were whispering and fooling among themselves and taking little notice of her .
26 He felt that things were loosening and slipping from his grasp .
27 Soon they were calling and shouting to each other as they moved off into the forest .
28 His bags were packed and waiting on the bed .
29 In a recent case , section 54(13) of the Metropolitan Police Act 1839 was used successfully against two men who were kissing and cuddling at a bus stop in Oxford Street at 1.55 a.m .
30 In it a couple in electric suits were arcing and fizzing to the hefty thump of a jumpbox .
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