Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [conj] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 The third row followed suit and before long enough people were laughing and questioning that Beecher raised his hand and told the story so that all could hear .
2 Some of those who took part in Ket 's Rebellion in Norfolk in 1549 were reported as saying that " gentlemen have ruled aforetime , and they ( the commons , that is ) will rule now . "
3 Rangoon-based diplomats were reported as saying that the number of political detainees was much higher than the official figure .
4 Members of the Islamic Nahdah movement ( Mouvement de la renaissance ) , led by Rachid Ghanouchi , were reported as saying that they had not put up candidates because of the government 's continued refusal officially to recognise the party .
5 On March 31 , Sierra Leonean commanders were reported as saying that 2,150 men of the 3,000-strong national army had occupied part of Lofa County in Liberia .
6 European observers were reported as saying that they had witnessed no serious problems during voting but did not comment on the claim of fraud after the close of stations .
7 On Oct. 1 Russian observers who had arrived in Baku , the Azerbaijani capital , on Sept. 28 to monitor the ceasefire , were reported as saying that in Kazakh district there were no hostilities and that they were to move on to Kubatlin district next day .
8 May I on behalf of the House offer our deepest sympathy to those who were injured and hope that they have a speedy recovery ?
9 Although the proceedings reinforced Castro 's dominance of the PCC , some decisions ratified by the congress , in particular accepting direct election of all delegates to the National Assembly of People 's Powers , were interpreted as signs that he had either made tactical concessions or had recognized the need for gradual change .
10 Mr Evans said that the redundancies were regretted but believed that the measures taken would ensure a leaner , fitter company better positioned to take advantage of the recovery when it came .
11 A free park and ride scheme had been organised , which was very good in theory , but so many people were parking and riding that the many coaches could barely pass each other on the narrow roads thronged with thousands of people .
12 Opposition sources were cited as saying that the Vice-President , Ali Salem al-Bid , was in seclusion , having effectively resigned .
13 They contributed because on the one hand , they were asked and understood that what they had to say was important , and also because too many of them grew up in a world without such books .
14 erm I suppose that would mean if they felt they were taking up so much of their time that they could n't do what they considered to be their job properly , and if they felt that I think the parents were persisting and insisting that their own children got more attention than the school could really afford to give them if they were going to be fair to everyone .
15 In the context of the agreement , analysts were quoted as suggesting that acquiring a software base for a new supercomputer has traditionally been the biggest drag on sales , and doubting that Convex and HP had cracked it — but up to now there has been no massively parallel machine that is both hardware-and software-compatible with a big existing applications base .
16 In the context of the agreement , analysts were quoted as suggesting that acquiring a software base for a new supercomputer has traditionally been the biggest drag on sales , and doubting that Convex and Hewlett had cracked it — but up to now there has been no massively parallel machine that is both hardware- and software-compatible with a big existing applications base .
17 Aid workers in Freetown were quoted as estimating that between 3,000 and 5,000 Sierra Leonean civilians and Liberian refugees had been killed by the NPFL since incursions began in March [ see p. 38136 ] , and the International Committee of the Red Cross in Geneva was quoted on May 4 as saying that 10,000 people had fled from the border area .
18 Colleagues were quoted as saying that Heber was rarely seen on campus .
19 Unnamed friends of the prince were quoted as saying that he would never be involved in a slanging match with Diana .
20 UN officials were quoted as saying that the Sudanese government had allowed the international relief operation to be recommenced following pressure from donor governments .
21 By late June , however , close political aides of the PPP leader Benazir Bhutto were quoted as saying that the party was willing to co-operate with the army in putting an end to a " reign of terror " by its political rival , the Sind-based Mohajir Qaumi Mahaz ( MQM ) .
22 Hong Kong officials were quoted as saying that none of the deportees , the first to be sent back since Patten 's arrival , had offered resistance .
23 Her evidence of damage was limited and established that her reputation was already damaged . ’
24 The very existence of Article 23 was regarded as indicating that the Convention was not mandatory , on the rather tortuous argument that if the Convention had been intended to replace the broad discovery powers previously exercised by the United States , acceptance of Article 23 ( which enables other States to refuse to operate the Convention in this area ) ‘ would have been most anomalous ’ .
25 They asked if he was cheating and decided that if he was able to do his work so well , there was no harm in giving him some more .
26 Clare was devastated and swore that she would never go back to school again .
27 After the Joint Liaison Group 's August 1989 meeting [ see above ] it was reported by the French news agency Agence France-Presse on Aug. 3 that Chinese officials responsible for the transfer of Macao had assured their Portuguese counterparts that the recent crushing of the pro-democracy movement in China ( the June 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre — see pp. 36720-21 ) , would not jeopardize the terms of the 1987 transfer agreement [ see pp. 35063-64 ] , and on Aug. 18 Li Peng , the Chinese Premier , was reported as stating that the work on the Macao issue was unaffected by the recent " turmoil " in China , with the meetings of the Sino-Portuguese group proceeding normally .
28 In September Information Minister Hamutenya was reported as stating that a diplomatic mission , but not a fully-fledged embassy , would be established in Pretoria .
29 IN YESTERDAY 'S parliamentary sketch ( page 5 ) , Mr Tim Janman MP ( Conservative , Thurrock ) was reported as saying that Britain would take even one refugee from Hong Kong ‘ over my dead body . ’
30 It was the time of suffragettes and Mr Norman McCorquodale was reported as saying that a spray of water through the hose on them would be a good thing .
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