Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [verb] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 As time went on and the primitive physically competitive urges were becoming supplemented by the more devious mental ways in which one being could gain ascendance over another , the opportunities to use those beliefs were exploited by the more skilful members of the society .
2 Edwy was out on the branch almost within reach of the eggs when we were caught redhanded by the farmer on horseback …
3 However incompatible the roles of agents for the old order , exporters of revolutionary socialism and pillars of international capitalism , they were tailored to fit by the antipathy of such anti-Jewish hostility .
4 Fox hunting was started , two hundred , three hundred years ago by the aristocracy because there was n't enough deer , because the fo the forests were getting obliterated by the same pi , the same people , it was started as an entertainment , it 's an entertainment now !
5 Furthermore , many of the women and girls working at fruit-picking and jam-making were related to railway workers at nearby Cambridge Station and were brought to work by the 8.20 train from Cambridge in the morning and taken back home by the 6.34 in the evening .
6 In September the Council warned that wheat stocks held by the five biggest exporters — Argentina , Australia , Canada , the European Commodities and the USA , were set to fall by the end of the 1989-90 season to levels not seen since the food crisis of the mid-1970's .
7 But , we fought back , showing true fighting spirit , and looked as though we were set to win by a couple of points before the Americans rallied , salvaged some pride and squared the match .
8 However , Norway and Japan , after the moratorium , continued so-called scientific whaling , which they were allowed to do by a little loophole slipped into the convention under which the IWC operates .
9 The reasons have been strikingly depicted by Cole and Postgate ( 1961:306 ) : The appalling sanitary conditions were accompanied by an increase in destitution and pauperism as people left the countryside , or were forced to leave by the Enclosure Acts , and sought jobs in the manufacturing towns .
10 Five Hull defenders were left trailing by the youngster 's electrifying pace and change of direction as he scorched his way to the line .
11 Sharon 's heartbroken family and drink-drive campaigners were left devastated by the lenient sentence .
12 Investigations of this kind reveal something of the structure of poverty by indicating those who were kept going by the poor rate , the only eighteenth-century tax which was redistributive .
13 Years ago in Manchester , my husband was taught to meditate by a Yiddishe guru in Didsbury .
14 A pilot who was taught to fly by the RAF has spent much of the past eighteen months in his garden shed making his own aeroplane .
15 On this occasion , it happened when 'keeper Barry Woodger was caught napping by a cross-cum-shot from Carpenter .
16 In the developed countries some of the slowest birth rates were recorded in Europe , where the United Kingdom 's population was forecast to grow by a mere 2,000,000 by 2025 and that of France by 5,000,000 .
17 GDP fell by 9 per cent in 1991 and was expected to fall by a further 14 per cent in 1992 , which may well be an underestimate .
18 The package also proposed reducing the escalating cost of health care — which was expected to rise by an average of 12-13 per cent per annum for the next five years — by increasing the efficiency of the government 's Medicare and Medicaid health programmes , reforming the laws covering medical malpractice in order to give increased protection to doctors , and encouraging employers to pool their buying power into " health insurance networks " .
19 As a result , by the early 1900s , a nationalist undercurrent was developing led by a charismatic young man , Mustafa Kamil , and though there were strikes and demonstrations ( which were to become a regular feature of Egyptian political life ) , Britain remained as unmoved , aloof and arrogant as ever .
20 For a while it looked as if founding editor Ken Wilson would buy the title back , but he was unable to find an editor and a valiant last ditch attempt to keep the title going , by Grey Rimmer of On The Edge , was destined to fall by the wayside .
21 Arising from this , I was offered coaching by the College coach ; I think his name was Pearse , and he was one of Dan Maskel 's assistants at Queen 's Club .
22 After this I was told to sit by the fire beside my benefactor .
23 The problem arises where a debtor is required by a creditor to provide security for his indebtedness ; the debtor and creditor agree that the security will be provided by some third party ; the relationship between the debtor and the third party , typically husband and wife , makes it likely that the third party 's assistance will be forthcoming ; the debtor procures the third party 's consent by some material misrepresentation or by exerting undue pressure or influence of some kind ; the third party signs the necessary security documents without any independent advice and without any explanation from the creditor of the true effect of the documents ; the third party subsequently , as a defence to the creditor 's attempt to enforce the security documents , contends that he or she was induced to sign by the debtor 's material misrepresentation , or did not properly understand the import of the documents , or that his or her consent was not a true consent having regard to influence or pressure exerted by the debtor .
24 I had already made up my mind what I was going to say by the time Frankie had rapped on the door .
25 They said it was going to get by the end of the weekend .
26 He said : ‘ Originally we went for an American-style back-end load or exit charge which was tapered to reduce by a percentage point for each year an investment was held .
27 Within minutes , he was getting pulped by the shorebreak .
28 This was bound to happen by the law of supply and demand , with too many League clubs chasing too few good players .
29 ABOVE LEFT This is a tawny owl that was found injured by the side of the road and brought to my neighbour , Maureen Edwards , for help .
30 The body of the 33-year-old victim was found hanging by a rope from a roof beam in the garage of the semi-detached home in Grafton Drive , Upton , Wirral , Merseyside , on June 4 last year .
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