Example sentences of "[was/were] [noun] and [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The hardline leadership admitted for the first time it regretted the exodus , admitted there were problems and conceded it might be partly to blame .
2 Do this to all your doors , not just the exterior ones , and treat any panes of glass in doors as though they were windows and give them some sort of double glazing .
3 Notable losses were Bailey and Read who had become professors at Glasgow and Liverpool respectively .
4 The two men were about the same age , nearing fifty ; both were of the lean kind with strong features and over-thin lips ; both were taciturn and found it difficult to put ideas into words .
5 He made a radio receiver when we were children and set it up on the main bridge over the Salzach .
6 All of these people , apart from the NHS ambulance , were volunteers and giving their time and energies willingly and without charge .
7 They snarled at them as if they were criminals and took their papers as if they 'd like to tear them to shreds .
8 Earlier yesterday Constable Sandra Dougan told Belfast Coroner 's Court Moore was ‘ lying ’ when he had claimed they were lovers and insisted they were just ‘ friends ’ .
9 Even then , he believed there was hope and persuaded her that they should take a holiday together .
10 A corrody was board and lodging which normally such houses sold to applicants ; the precise terms varied , often specifying the accommodation as well of servants and horses , and going into details of food and firewood .
11 I discovered that time was money and threw myself into cleaning offices , restaurants and hospitals .
12 Remembering his own thoughts as he walked towards the door last night , not knowing it was Laura , thinking it was Alexandra and feeling his freewheeling lifestyle threatened , his macho image slightly dented , he realized he must be mad .
13 Seeing a youth of about 17 about to cycle away , Harry whispered that he was RAF and did he know anyone who could help .
14 The president was well informed on both the oil industry in Colombia and LASMO 's involvement in it , but it was rock and roll which provided a high point at the end of the meeting when Lord Rees presented him with a specially acquired gold disc of his favourite group , the Rolling Stones .
15 You will tell me if you find it was murder and give me the name of the murderer .
16 Mr Crangle had tried to persuade him all night not to take the Bookman away but all Mr Slipper had done was smile and ask him not to be so unfriendly .
17 All he could do was smile and wriggle his toes in delight .
18 His body clock free-ran so that on occasions he was the victim of a clash between an internal cause — which thought it was night and wanted him to sleep — and an external cause , society — which required him to work in the ( real ) daytime .
19 All he 'd do was sit and drink himself stupid .
20 I told my boyfriend who was horrorstruck and took myself off to a lesbian students ' conference .
21 Stunned by the images of her own mind , all she could do was clench and unclench her fists , praying the numbing effect she had encouraged would disappear as quickly as Rune had implied .
22 The ideal woman was of , was purity and doing your duty and domestic .
23 Well , she would take down all these curtains when there was time and get them to the launderette , but meanwhile …
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