Example sentences of "[was/were] [noun] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile there were tragedies in the chimp colony .
2 Net earnings per share rose 25% to $0.10 in the quarter and were $0.14 in the half .
3 And furthermore , 15 other energetic male participants were accessories before the fact .
4 It was fortunate there were experts on the bridge at the time .
5 Net earnings per share after deferred preference dividends , were $0.11 in the quarter , $0.08 in the half .
6 Physical targets were mostly achieved four or five years ahead of schedule ( FAO 1982a : 67 ) , although there were shifts in the emphasis between sub-targets ( e.g. from fruit and nut trees to long rotation species ) .
7 The project scientist who sent me the disappointed and sceptical account of all this said that there were shrieks from the store room , but not of success .
8 There were tapestries on the walls and lots of dark oak furniture .
9 Only two or three a day and they came dead slow round the bend in case there were sheep on the track .
10 I 'd rather there were sheep in the field than pigs .
11 Also included were proposals for the development of a common foreign and security policy and , ultimately , common defence .
12 Particularly opposed by the dissident RPR factions were proposals for the dilution of the traditional role of the party leader by establishing a confederation with other pro-Gaullist groups outside the RPR ( including dissidents ) , for the formation of a joint shadow cabinet with centrist and right-wing parties including the Union for French Democracy ( UDF ) , and the proposal by another Renovator , Michel Noir , a potential presidential candidate , for the actual merger of the RPR with other elements of the opposition into a single party .
13 There were proposals about the time of Nationalisation , when the Regional Boundaries were being drawn up .
14 Some of them were ex-members of the committees of poor peasants ( kombedy ) that had requisitioned in military style during War Communism , a style that lingered on .
15 But , with the notable exception of the free-market Institute of Economic Affairs ( widely regarded in the 1960s , by people who now wish they had n't , as a home for impractical crackpots ) , they were guardians of the chalice of consensus .
16 There were restorations to the gallery in 1826 .
17 They were part of the story of his heart and , re-read now , one recognizes that the Helen Noble of these letters is incorporated in part into the texture of poems like ‘ After you speak ’ and ‘ And you , Helen ’ :
18 However , all the ATB instructors who were part of the survey identified safety as one of the benefits .
19 The question , then , is whether the three wrappers were part of the consideration or , as Jenkins L.J .
20 These had been voluntarily sold to the Nazis , or were not repurchased by the owners who had sold them under duress , or were part of the estates of Dutch citizens who died during the war leaving no heirs .
21 These locos were part of the yard scene from June 1896 until 1959 .
22 Gestures of this kind were part of the vocabulary of politics ; an astute politician like Philip used them to great effect .
23 We were part of the woods .
24 ‘ He was so moody , ’ Fenella Fielding said , ‘ that his moods were part of the difficulty of his genius — and his temper .
25 Nylons were part of the US strategy for world domination .
26 The fans and musical instruments which become recurrent themes in the still lifes were part of the equipment or decoration of many typical advanced studios in Montmartre ; Braque who had been responsible in 1908 for the introduction of musical iconography into Cubist painting was furthermore seriously interested in music .
27 After a hearing in 1976 , the Chief Commons Commissioner found that the road verges were part of the highway , and so did not fall within the definition of ‘ common land ’ in section 22(1) of the Act .
28 The plaintiffs claimed that certain grass verges were part of the manorial lands of the manor and wished to re-litigate the question of whether the road verges were part of the highway .
29 To provide some much-needed improvement the InterCity director decided to transfer ten HSTs to the Midland — five from the Great Western , two from the East Coast main line plus three which were part of the build for the Cross Country ( North East-South West ) routes .
30 The lectures were part of the East Anglia local section 's effort to mark the 150th anniversary of the RSC .
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