Example sentences of "[is] under [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There is still , however , a possibility he could play at centre-back against Lithuania as Gerry Taggart is under treatment for a hamstring injury .
2 In Japan , ICI 's ‘ Klea ’ 134a plant is under construction in a joint venture with the Japanese chemicals company , Teijin .
3 However , a new query language interface based on SQL is under development for the second generation of UGIX ( Raper and Bundock 1991 ) .
4 A new coal-fired power station , combining a fluidized bed system with new " topping cycle " technology , is under development by a British consortium .
5 A car powered by hydrogen derived from water is under development in the USA .
6 Butcher , 34 next month , is under contract for the rest of the season with First Division Sunderland but the Japanese are confident it wo n't be a problem .
7 She has had treatment in hospital for depression and is under sedation at the present time .
8 Currently , a draft EC Directive is under discussion with a compromise with existing practices in Ec member countries , but falls short of desirable standards which are already in place in some states .
9 A proposal to restructure the transport tax system in favour of the environment is under discussion by the European parliament .
10 As there is no accessions register for individual herbarium specimens , a numerical reassessment of our holdings is required ; this is under consideration for a summer student project in 1991 .
11 Nevertheless , a project is under consideration in the US for some 300,000 windmills spread across the plains which would supply some 200,000 MW of electricity , more than half the present US installed capacity .
12 An offer has been made and is under consideration by the Congregational Board .
13 Their preliminary report on this matter has been received and is under consideration by the Crown prosecution service .
14 A newsletter concerning the Flying Flea/Pou du Ciel is under consideration by an American writer , with the basic aim of uniting all with an interest in this diminutive aircraft .
15 A big push for land is under way along the River Drina on the Bosnian border as Serbian warlords , backed by local federal army commanders , try to establish safe corridors between their strongholds and grab areas of land for the self-styled Serbian republic of Bosnia-Hercegovina .
16 A police search is under way for a businessman accused of attempting to export a military camera to the Soviet Union after he failed to appear for committal proceedings at Rugby Magistrates Court .
17 A SEARCH is under way for the two-man crew of a light aircraft after wreckage of the single-engined Grob , which had been missing for 24 hours , was found beside Loch Muick , near Ballater , Grampian .
18 Meanwhile , work is under way on a European Commission draft directive which could tighten up demands already implicit in UK fire safety regulations .
19 Work is under way on a £5,000 project to help people cross the road more safely .
20 An investigation is under way into an gas explosion at a block of flats in Dagenham , east London , in which a man died .
21 Finally , work is under way at the Department of Health establishing national guide prices for certain categories of patients .
22 Research is under way at the Open University to find out which species of trees and shrubs and which management regimes are best .
23 A nationwide search is under way after a fourteen-year-old who 's been arrested thirty-five times ran away afer a court appearance .
24 AN INQUIRY is under way after a man collapsed and died yesterday while trekking through mountains as part of a management training course .
25 WWF is working here to establish a network of protected areas , and a similar process is under way in the Korup rainforest of Cameroon — something of a flagship project for WWF and its partner agencies .
26 On Sept. 24 , Gamsakhurdia declared a state of emergency — to come into force the following day — because " a military and civilian putsch is under way in the republic " .
27 A questionnaire on smoking in the Library is under preparation by a working group of the Health and Safety Committee — and they will shortly be seeking the views of staff on what could turn out to be a contentious issue .
28 There 's some justification for having Green Link as a separate publication but even that is is under question in the coming twelve months because our circulation just does n't warrant all of these publications .
29 Piers Rodgers , the Academy 's Secretary , makes the point that this is a show about art , not politics : ‘ There is a long and distinguished history of art and culture in Tibet and that civilisation is under threat at the moment .
30 WOLVERHAMPTON 'S famous Great Western pub is under threat from a compulsory purchase order .
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