Example sentences of "[is] how [pron] see [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But that is how we see you British , still .
2 That is how I saw them — and indeed how they were presented to me — when in fact , of course , they were just as vulnerable , just as sane and insane , just as full of gloss and blemishes as anyone else .
3 That is how I see her now , turning to look over a white shoulder , with the placid expanse of lake about her .
4 In simple terms , the self is how I see me .
5 This is how I see him .
6 erm And he describes them in these terms because of course this is how he sees them from different angles while rounding a series of bends on the road , so that in fact he describes the movement which his senses perceive , not the solid immobility to which his intellect testifies .
7 ‘ That is how he sees you .
8 That 's how they saw it , sir .
9 That 's how they saw it .
10 That 's how we saw it and that was the reason for the merger . ’
11 But as far as we 're concerned , they 're two patients with injuries that need treatment and that 's how we see them .
12 Erm he , he won the second world war in the Pacific and after the war he became emperor of Japan , well that was n't his title but that 's how he saw it .
13 A young man with original ideas — that 's how he sees you . ’
14 If you like , it 's the close up , the zoom lens is on each one of us all the time , and that 's how he sees us .
15 So when you hear people who are in shock , they 'll be okay and that 's how they are , they 're panting , breath , right , very fast and very shallow , they 're not calm , they 're panting for breath all the time , okay , so that 's how you see them .
16 At least , that 's how I saw it .
17 Rickards said : 'That 's how I see it .
18 That 's how I see it . ’
19 Noughts mean 0 , crosses mean goals , that 's how I see it .
20 If you 've got an enemy out there , you either buy him off or take him out ; that 's how I see it .
21 It 's the fact , that 's how I see it .
22 ‘ Perhaps that 's how I see you . ’
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