Example sentences of "[is] being [verb] [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 Jenny I should tell you that the meeting 's being recorded for this er , for the dictionary people .
2 We had a motion which was put before Conference last year and it was carried and it was asking for a similar review to what 's being asked for this morning .
3 Crosier ( 1975 ) found fifty definitions so we had better make an early stab at identifying the notion of marketing that is being applied in this book .
4 So far as state education is concerned , increasingly free rein is being given to this power .
5 ONE PIECE of political folk wisdom is being tested in this campaign — possibly to destruction .
6 A new committee , the Joint Hospitality Industry Congress , is being formed for this purpose by the British Hotels , Restaurants and Caterers Association ( BHRCA ) , see page 8 .
7 They 've been checked over , as I say , the first one 's been cleared , and that 's been allowed to proceed , and the next ship er is being checked at this moment .
8 On the matter of the catalogues , if you need assistance on what is being exhibited in this area , the themes being promoted , or any activities planned , I would be pleased to gather in the information you need if this is the easiest way of doing it .
9 In organisations where there is an intermediate level ( eg divisional , regional or subsidiary company headquarters ) between the establishment and the enterprise headquarters , an interview is being conducted at this level also .
10 Look at all the words with s in , and s t's , and you should be able to draw from that , a rule , which is being observed by this printer In which position is the s printed as an f ?
11 ‘ It ’ is the new distribution division service charter , which is being phased in this month .
12 It follows that , if what is being sought in this action against the third , fourth and fifth defendants is compensation for the loss suffered by the investors arising out of their purchases of or subscription for Euramco shares , the action can not be sustained .
13 Little progress is being made with this problem and it is feared that momentum may be lost by those opposing the scheme , especially over the Christmas and New Year periods .
14 I , on a point of order Madam Speaker , I understand that a major announcement in connection with rail privatisation is being made at this moment by way of written answer and press conference erm the statement will reveal a huge increase in access charges for railway operators and ultimately therefore huge increases in costs for tax payers and passengers .
15 However , progress is being made in this area .
16 He says that it 's sad that the coal industry is being ruined in this country .
17 The role of the semantic net is being explored in this new environment .
18 Fortunately more and more psychobiology is being done in this way .
19 ‘ It is abysmal that it is being done in this piecemeal way .
20 All of that may be true of various couplets of Hebrew poetry , but it is quite other than what is being urged in this paper .
21 In order for successful approval to be granted all preferred issues must be changed to either LATEST-ISSUE ( if the module is being changed via this package ) or SELECTED-ISSUE ( if the module is not being changed through this package ) .
22 Those of us who have criticised the Government 's and western nations ' lack of urgency in providing appropriate assistance to the Soviet Union will also welcome the new steps and the energy that is being shown in this area If , as the Prime Minister rightly says , the protection of non-proliferation is the absolute key to world peace , why are the Government seeking to increase the number of nuclear warheads that are carried on Trident , when they have the option of keeping the number the same , at a time when the rest of the world is decreasing them ?
23 This report highlights the main issues which will affect this committee in the period during nineteen ninety three and nineteen ninety six , section one repeats the desire of the committee that it would like as a minimum to sustain the whole of the revenue service and the similar volume of capital payments in the period of the medium term plan as is being divided in this year .
24 ‘ I hope you will savour the Lenten fare , as I call it , that is being offered in this church , ’ said Randolph .
25 KW1RS is being used for this purpose .
26 Lawrie Smith , crewed by Ossie Stewart and Rob Cruikshank , takes the Soling place while Shirley Robertson will be the British representative in the Europe , the single-handed dinghy for women that is being used in this year 's Olympics in Barcelona for the first time .
27 Notice that only one variable , , is being used in this regression .
28 I would go further Chairman , in terms of the version we reach now , I would be very surprised if they do reach those figures , and , er , why I would expect them to be substantially less , because the policy which is being proposed at this stage is one of using joint finance monies as a one hundred percent grant , one-off grants for one or two years in support of schemes , rather than in , as a tapering item .
29 One of my constituents that I read in the newspaper about the erm , the green way in which the party should be moving , and said that erm , he would like me to express my disquiet to and I thought this , perhaps this would be quite a useful place to his disquiet , but Council tax money is being spend on this sort of erm , work when there are far more urgent erm , services needed in the County , and he would much rather have the highways , er , money from , which is now going into the Environment to go into highways , erm , so as er , Chairman council , I 'm passing his comments on to you , through this committee .
30 And who is being excluded in this process ?
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