Example sentences of "[is] so [verb] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Women who grow excess facial and body hair often find that their confidence is so destroyed that they would benefit from psychological counselling , according to the Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin .
2 Although the movie 's premise appears to stretch the limits of the imagination , Robbins 's performance is so assured that he deftly sidesteps moments when the plot could veer towards conspiracy paranoia .
3 The glass is so smeared that it hardly counts as a reflective surface .
4 The English form of application for legal aid ( which has no accompanying memorandum ) is so devised that it can be , and often is , completed by the applicant without the intervention of any solicitor .
5 If the mind is so conceived that its relation to the world can only be a causal one , then to perceive something must be to be causally affected by it .
6 ( iv ) Differently , it seems difficult to accept that consciousness is tolerably conceived when it is so conceived that it follows that anything that can be regarded as passing through certain sequences of causal or logical states is conscious .
7 However , Brenda 's turn is so constructed that it starts in London English with a statement about what happened , and switches to Creole at " cause " ( which could be London English or Creole ) — precisely the point where she begins her explanation of why she acted in this way .
8 The accommodation consisted of semi-converted stables , and it will be known by those acquainted with the residence of horses that the door of a stable is so constructed that there are two gaps , one between the door and the floor and another between the door and the ceiling , and through these gaps blew drafts of freezing cold .
9 They are a façade : they are confined to the most superficial aspects , and scope for real variety is so limited that they in fact quickly become clichéd , standardized , themselves .
10 Below that your ‘ bottom time ’ — the time between leaving the surface and commencing your ascent — is so limited that it 's hardly worthwhile . ’
11 The small surplus that is distributed is so limited that it can not be shared by all , but patronage is a mechanism of selecting a few workers to benefit .
12 Joan 's use of Creole is so limited that it might be called tokenistic .
13 Mr Barre 's writ is so limited that he is disparagingly known as the mayor of Mogadishu .
14 Rational arguments and the need for money may keep it submerged but from time to time it is so inflamed that it can no longer be suppressed .
15 If your life is so rushed that you only have five to ten minutes for lunch , and your body knows that you have to consume at least 300–400 calories in order to make it through until the evening , it is going to look for a very convenient solution , and that means , high calorie , low volume food that is readily available , such as a chunky cheese sandwich , or worse still , a chocolate bar .
16 But if the entire building is so damaged that it has to be torn down and rebuilt , the landlord collects from his insurer to rebuild .
17 After Mrs Wordingham 's death later in 1989 , Mr Wordingham applied to the High Court for rectification of the will under s 20(1) ( a ) of the Administration of Justice Act 1982 , which states that ‘ if the court is satisfied that a will is so expressed that it fails to carry out the testator 's intentions , in consequence — ( a ) of a clerical error … it may order that the will shall be rectified so as to carry out his intentions … ‘ .
18 Filigree Street crosses its turnwise end in the manner of the crosspiece of a T , and the Broken Drum is so placed that it looks down the full length of the street .
19 Hunting dogs in Africa and wolves in North America also hunt in teams , snapping at the heels of an antelope or a moose , one taking over from the other until their victim is so exhausted that they can get a grip on it with their teeth and pull it down .
20 Nor will it come from exports , which are now falling because the pound is so overvalued that we can not have export success at its present level of valuation .
21 I wish I could join him in the corridor , but now it is so crammed that there is no room .
22 One man ( Adrian Dunbar ) is so smitten that he commits suicide while the other , travelling player Aidan Quinn , turns all his thespian charm on Tara , much to Hegarty 's annoyance .
23 I now see that Travis is so smitten that he would n't accept anything but that , meeting me for the first time when I called at your apartment , you at once became very much attracted to me .
24 It produces no smoke , and its heat output is so controlled that it is not much warmer than the surrounding air and therefore hard for infra-red devices to detect .
25 ( It should be made clear that , in the vast majority of cases , the poison is so aged that its potency is thought to be negligible . )
26 It is now necessary to consider when a commercial transaction is so structured that it can not be said that the parties are dealing on standard terms at all .
27 If , however , a society is so divided that it contains within itself one or more permanent minorities , who know that on the issues that matter most to them they can never hope to get their way , precisely because of the operation of the majority principle , then that principle ceases to be adequate .
28 Iago 's superiority over the six people he directly deceives ( and behind them , of course , the whole of society ) is so marked that we risk endorsing his contempt for whichever ‘ snipe ’ , ‘ knave ’ , or ‘ ass ’ he happens to be manipulating .
29 On many issues , the convergence with the Liberal Democrats is so marked that there may be mileage in cross-party initiatives .
30 These costs of consent to political authority suggest that , on instrumental grounds , consent can only be held binding if it is so qualified that its effect is almost entirely confined to reinforcing independently existing obligations to obey .
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