Example sentences of "[is] now [vb pp] [that] the " in BNC.

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1 It is now hoped that the full peacekeeping force will be in place by the end of the month .
2 While good standards of physical care , hygiene , nutrition and so forth are clearly vital , it is now realized that the most important need is for the child to receive personal attention and genuine affection .
3 10 Burden of proof Dealing first with the question of reasonableness as between the parties it is now accepted that the burden of proof falls on the party seeking to enforce the restraint .
4 But it is now argued that the increased radiation would be no more than the existent difference between the poles and the equator .
5 Obviously , it does not suddenly become safe to steepen the climb at a certain height , and it is now recognised that the angle should be progressively steepened .
6 And it is now recognised that the great mountain chains are always found on the side of the continental plate facing the direction of its drift .
7 This assumption is not tenable as it is now recognised that the unstimulated output of prostacyclin by blood vessels is low ( reviewed by Dollery et al , 1983 ) .
8 It is now recognised that the industrialisation process is complex and that
9 It is now recognised that the tasks and skills to be learned by children with severe learning difficulties have to be analysed precisely and that the setting of small , clearly defined incremental objectives for individual pupils is a necessary part of programme planning .
10 It is now recognised that the costing of community-based care to take account of the wider back-up services on which it must depend is a complicated calculation which was not available with any degree of sophistication at the height of the movement away from institutional care ( Knapp , 1986 ) .
11 It is now recognized that the trachoma agent is very closely related to the organism that causes non-specific urethritis and is responsible for 50 per cent of sticky eyes in newborn babies and for a proportion of cases of salpingitis in women .
12 It is now acknowledged that the educational , health and social welfare systems are often not adequate or appropriate for the needs of most ethnic families .
13 ( Some 15 other states where the Moral Majority are by no means the silent majority , had hoped to pass similar laws , but it is now assumed that the case will go to appeal and eventually reach the Supreme Court ) .
14 If it is now assumed that the coefficients on and in the unemployment equation are different , so that we are not assuming structural neutrality , we can rewrite the unemployment equation as :
15 It is now assumed that the objective of policy is to maximise economic welfare , where economic welfare is equated with total surplus .
16 It is now believed that the peculiar properties of water are due to what is known as hydrogen bonding .
17 It is now believed that the graves are those of early Spanish Christians , placed in proximity to the mausoleum of some established holy man .
18 It is now proposed that the rarely exercised power of the House to imprison be abolished and for a power for the Commons to impose a fine ( as can the House of Lords ) to be substituted .
19 It is now proposed that the Outer City Bypass will connect to the trunk road section of the Musselburgh Bypass at a point to the east of Old Craighall Road by means of a free-flow junction .
20 It is now proposed that the Joint Industrial Council should meet under the chairmanship of Mr. Peter Smith Q.C .
21 The decision is likely to postpone a hearing on the charges for many months and it is now thought that the case could eventually be heard in Milan instead of Turin .
22 The precise number is unknown ; but in the 1970s , two American biologists , TL Erwin and JC Scott , produced a plausible estimate , of around 10 million , though it is now thought that the true figure may be around 50 million .
23 It is now thought that the ‘ Long Count ’ was used to date historical rather than astronomical events .
24 It is now thought that the severity and length of time obesity has continued is the major determinant of the total number of fat cells in adult life ( Kirtland and Gurr 1979 ) .
25 It used to be argued that turbulence was necessary to ensure the oxygenation of the water and the continuation of the food supply , but it is now thought that the main role of turbulence is in getting rid of excess carbon dioxide .
26 It is now thought that the proteins do not form a continuous layer covering both sides of the lipids proposed by Davson and Danielli .
27 It is now thought that the Transfer Regulations will apply to undertakings or parts of undertakings that are not in the nature of commercial ventures .
28 As noticed ( p. 59 ) it is now known that the graptolites were an extinct branch of the phylum Hemichordata , an insignificant group today , consisting of a few encrusting colonial organisms .
29 The rights to Presley 's ‘ Sun ’ recordings were acquired by RCA Victor together with the rights to the artist , and although it is now known that the tapes in RCA Victor 's vault are not actually the 1955 originals , they are extremely good copies , and all have been reissued on compact disc .
30 However it would appear that Hahnemann was a couple of centuries ahead of his time because it is now known that the DNA of certain viruses can incorporate itself into our own genome , our own inherited material .
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