Example sentences of "[is] that he [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps it 's that he 's made me look at myself and see that what I believe is old and stuffy .
2 Were he to defend himself , no doubt he would surprise us all , but the overriding impression we get of him in retrospect is that he had fallen all too readily into the role of the squire 's man , the vicar 's buddy , the stern schoolmaster .
3 What it does mean is that he had made it plain that he intended a legal relationship to exist between two persons ( soon to become trustee and beneficiary ) .
4 ‘ What I was going to tell you is that he had written her a part in one of his plays .
5 A possible scenario is that he had turned to leave the church when he was attacked from behind . ’
6 Should any one ask how Plato 's discernment of divine creation and even of the divine Triad could be so close to the now known truth , the answer is that he had read the books of Moses on his visit to Egypt .
7 ‘ My concern is that he 's got to protect family morals — and this does n't help .
8 I think the most likely thing is that he 's had some sort of accident .
9 The irony of it is this is that he has done a lot , he gave ten thousand
10 Perhaps the most important consequence of Habermas 's ‘ rediscovered ’ dialectics of the subject is that he has distinguished his version of critical theory from any possibility of material determination — even in the last instance .
11 ‘ The problem with Andy is that he has played so rarely we have yet to get him into our pattern of play .
12 His other concession to fame is that he has turned one room of his house in Oswestry into his office where his sister-in-law is his full-time secretary , though she also helps Woosnam 's wife , Glyndreth , with their young family .
13 The obvious reason is that he has killed or driven into exile all opposition .
14 The patient 's problem is that he has joined a group of unfamiliar people , some of whom , the patients , are present all the time ; others , the nurses , are in his vicinity for some of the time ; and a whole variety of others appear ‘ to come and go ’ .
15 One of the reasons why Montgomerie has done so well as a professional is that he has stayed basically with the swing which brought him Walker Cup honours in his student days in Texas .
16 But the fathers also insisted , and believing Christians have proclaimed it ever since , that although we do not fully understand the relationship between God and the Devil , the inescapable fact about Satan is that he has declared war on God and his creation .
17 And the upshot of it is that he has taken the custody of the de Breos lands from the Earl of Cornwall , and bestowed it upon his beloved justiciar .
18 Peter Bergg , prospective Liberal Democrat candidate for Darlington : ‘ The disgusting thing is that he has borrowed to pay for tax cuts .
19 The point is that he has provided one ; and one which even Labour 's nationalist wing is little equipped to dispute .
20 The genius of the football supporter is that he has managed to convert something as unappetizing and unpromising as an English football season into something from which he can take pleasure .
21 The first is that he has got her into bed so easily and the second is that it seems to mean nothing to her .
22 Another pointer to this being made up is that he has got a degree , so should have an IQ at least marginally above yer average player .
23 I mean he 's been known to do that because he you know what is going to happen with him commercially in his newspapers and he 's actually very clever and I mean none of us I mean okay and I think Peter might be the but I can get quite upset or intense or distressed or whatever the word is about that sort of stuff , because I am my background is journalism and I 'm quite pure about it , but we 're living in reality times here and the reality times is that he has got certain agendas .
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