Example sentences of "[is] that [pers pn] [am/are] [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 the Health Service is deteriorating so bad , and they said no not so much that it 's that they 're not , they 've got enough staff but they 're not being managed correctly
2 ‘ Our problem is that we 're not in the Premier League , but hopefully that will be remedied at the end of this season . ’
3 Our problem is that we 're not in the Premier League , but hopefully that will be remedied at the end of this season . ’
4 Because , as I say , we 've got recycling credits on our side , we 've got the fact that we 've got this outlet in Exmouth which will take the paper , and that 's why we 're looking at producing this workshop area , so that a lot of this stuff that goes to landfill , I 'm talking about , fridges , tables , whichever else that can be repaired and reused er , I know this is only on a very small scale , but one of the things that I think is very important with is that we 're not purely a recycling centre , we also want to set an education project , to raise people 's awareness of what yo yet waste production is n't about recycling , it 's about not producing it in the first place ,
5 Forster observed in 1874 , ‘ the only belief much felt is that we are not and will not be papists . ’
6 The only problem is that we are not doing enough of it and in the right way .
7 What we need to understand is that we are not talking about career , but about serving Christ and finding the most effective means to win the lost .
8 The message we receive is that we are not attractive and will not be provided with props to make us so .
9 The first is that we are not so tempted to think of the word ‘ afternoon ’ as having a meaning for us in virtue of being the name of an object , as we are to think of ‘ pain' as having a meaning for us in virtue of being the name of an object .
10 What is clear , however , is that we are not dealing with lexical ambiguity .
11 But the point is that we are not told why the distinction between particular and species-identity makes sense at all .
12 point of order , the point that I made make it on this side is that we are not against the expenditure .
13 Erm , could I go back to what Mr was saying , of course the main thing is , really that er , the difference in this budget and previous ones is that we are not paying projection costs million .
14 ‘ What makes us different is that we are not concerned with a sector of industry .
15 ‘ What makes us different is that we are not concerned with a sector of industry .
16 And one blessing is that we are n't likely to be saddled with the tag ‘ Team of the Nineties ’ — which is a real kiss of death — while we 're trying to find our feet in the Premier League . ’
17 But although we are entitled , in our theory of the origin of life , to spend a maximum ration of luck amounting , perhaps , to odds of 100 billion billion to one against , my hunch is that we are n't going to need more than a small fraction of that ration .
18 What they 're saying in effect is that they 're not going to entrust their latest toy to their closest ally because we 'd flog it to the first Russian we came across . ’
19 The impression is that they 're not .
20 So the stereotype of Appalachian English speakers is that they 're not very intelligent , they 've got a lack of ambition and success and a poor education .
21 Well I mean the arguments I 've had is that they 're not .
22 ‘ The second is that they 're not all beautiful — or not in the way you mean .
23 It is fighters which save them therefore the message is that they 're not really rescued at all because the world is in the same situation as the island .
24 Yeah , but they 're not , the whole idea is that they 're not , they do n't wan na ask , they 're not prepared to ask it 's not right It should be provided by the school they 've been against that whole thing .
25 The point is that the inference which you give to it is that they 're not quite fit to be Governors , by comparison with others , and I 'd like to defend that because I can assure you that I have never ever nominated a Governor for a school who I have not thought would be advantageous to that Board of Governors to have as a member and that he will be he or she will be a contributor to that particular school , and I 've done it time and time and time again and indeed on occasions have had headmasters coming to me and thanking me for the particular person that I put in .
26 It is that they are not talking because they see no way to settle their differences .
27 One answer sometimes given is that they are not , because a driver who overtakes on a bend , knowingly taking the risk that there is a car travelling in the opposite direction , should not be labelled a murderer if a collision and death happen to ensue .
28 And the reason they seem ‘ unappealing ’ is that they are not visually attractive .
29 The fascinating thing about the macrobes , if you are interested in structure , is that they are not simply ‘ crystals ’ of helices .
30 What they mean , of course , is that they are not mammals .
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