Example sentences of "[is] that [pers pn] [vb base] in " in BNC.

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1 The trouble is that we live in a part of the world in which many people depend on Unix — not to fight Microsoft and NT , but to earn their living — and there are too many unknowns .
2 If that is what getting engaged does to him , the pity is that we live in a monogamous society !
3 One of the most important messages that we must give to everyone in our country is that we have in place proper , fair and effective policies to deal with the unprecedented flow of asylum seekers .
4 The only other thing I would say is that we have in the report used the words , freedom to run and since writing the report we have been advised that er that is capa not capable or satisfactorily with legal terms and I would suggest that instead of the words , freedom to run we use the words , access management and permissive rights of way , to cover these .
5 THE trouble with debutantes , lamented Lady Tryon , chairman of yesterday 's Berkeley Dress Show , is that they come in such a peculiar range of sizes .
6 Another major advantage of bananas over other sweet foods is that they come in their own hermetically sealed biodegradable packaging — the ideal food for when you are on the move .
7 He can create overall rhythms and within them short phrase rhythms , but the basis of them all is that they exist in groups and by being efficient in action and appropriate to the context give pleasure to both the performer and the onlooker . ’
8 One guess is that they work in strict alternation , perhaps in obedience to a monthly nerve signal from the brain .
9 Is it possible to define what it is that they have in common ?
10 What we mainly have in answer so far , about causes and causal circumstances , is that they stand in seven connections — the last three of which are also fundamental to what will be said of nomic correlates .
11 The only problem with grants is that they vary in availability from council to council .
12 What makes this pattern of dots different to those that can be produced by a scanner and page printer is that they vary in size .
13 You were saying that the , the reason why the multinationals sell coffee very cheaply is that they buy in bulk .
14 Yes well the , the question is that I notice in the assets that investments at cost were twenty five million , the present market value is twenty eight million , indeed since that 's been written it may even be more and when I looked down to the other side of the accounts , I noticed interest on capital of twelve hundred and four pounds and I wonder where the interest from the twenty eight million has gone to .
15 The fact is that I think in the sense that from the north west .
16 One is that I think in order to overcome some of the objections that that we heard from Leeds yesterday in terms of the erm the urban regeneration policies , that any proposal would would certainly need to be re-relocating from outside the region .
17 ‘ A principle I have always applied in the property business is that you put in a bid that you think something is worth , and you do n't go above it . ’
18 So we 've looked at asking question visuals We 've got involving trainees which , with which we talking about involving trainees think about this side of it erm I suppose this is one of the best ways to show Training should be chunky The idea is that you put in your input yeah you talked around a subject and give you some guidelines , then we get a chance to practise the participation .
19 One other contact that I think you have with us is that you sing in the Meeting House Choir .
20 One other contact that I think you have with us is that you sing in the Meeting House choir .
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