Example sentences of "[is] that time [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is THAT time of year again .
2 It is that time of year again when we all trail off around the world to some exotic destination to experience some real ethnic culture , or even Mrs Fishfinger 's Bed & Breakfast in Blackpool .
3 It is that time of year when dawn and dustmen arrive together .
4 IT 'S that time of year when there seems to be a party every other night and it takes a little extra imagination to make you stand out from the crowd .
5 It 's that time of year again .
6 Yes , it 's that time of year again .
7 It 's that time of year again when thoughts inevitably turn to weight , and the problem of how to get rid of those extra Christmas pounds .
8 It 's that time of year when theatres everywhere are given over to the mayhem that is panto … when men are dames and the principal boys are girls .
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