Example sentences of "[is] the [noun sg] of how " in BNC.

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1 This is the problem of how mentality — call it ‘ mental representations ’ or ‘ cognisant acts ’ — relates to its physical realization in the brain .
2 It is the problem of how the necessary support , in a physical and environmental sense , which in different circumstances the old would obtain in the setting of a family or a closely-knit village community , can be available to these millions of ageing individuals isolated in a modern industrial society .
3 First , there is the problem of how to integrate the fragmented educational administration ; and second , how to put into effect a new curriculum to replace the South African one .
4 If the problem of how divine spirit became entangled with human flesh in the person of Jesus , is intractable — so too is the problem of how human spirit relates to a lowly creature .
5 Of more practical importance , whether in government policy or historical interpretation , is the problem of how to strike the balance between the short and long run : the choice between more bread now or more bread and jam later .
6 This example is the problem of how life originated on Earth .
7 But of course if salaries go up evenly throughout a forty year lifespan and the Chairman is given a forty year lifespan which is quite or pension lifespan which is quite a suitable one , if salaries go up and someone leaves their company every ten years , then the first three departures are obviously going to be at much lower salary levels and it 's not going to be satisfactory the first three departures are just index linked to inflation , there is the problem of how does one index link them towards the final salary .
8 ‘ Titmuss Regained ’ is the story of how Titmuss , like the present Conservative party , attempts to go green .
9 On one level Affliction is the story of how a man named Wade Whitehouse , living in a New Hampshire milltown , comes to be a murderer .
10 ‘ This is the story of how God created the world , ’ and he began to talk about the light and the darkness , the coming of the sky and the sea , the fish and the animals and of Adam and Eve .
11 Star Trek IV , The Search For Robert Johnson is the story of how Kirk , Sulu , Page and Plant tried to find him .
12 ‘ Christianity is the story of how the rightful king has landed … in disguise , and is calling us all to take part in a great campaign of sabotage . ’
13 STRAIGHT OUT OF BROOKLYN Unfortunately more interesting than 19-year-old Matty Rich 's film — a slice-of-Brooklyn melodrama crusted with symbolism and piety — is the story of how it came to be made : ambitious kid from Brooklyn drops out of film school , blags some equipment and funds a film on the back of radio appeals .
14 This is the story of how the carol Silent night was written .
15 This is the story of how a woman made of iron emerged from the depths of a grocer 's shop in Grantham and , speaking with a strange tongue given to her by the God of Graven Images , Sir Gordon Reece , held a nation under her spell .
16 Thirdly , there is the issue of how precisely capital charges will impact on the funds that DHAs actually receive .
17 Related to these results is the question of how long we can stay asleep ( in a laboratory that is always equally quiet , dark , and warm ) at different times of the day .
18 Then there is the question of how much the divestment will release for fund managers to manage .
19 Of course , the real crux of the matter is the question of how well people are able to balance against one another several different sets of figures relating to credit cost .
20 Then there is the question of how many researchers should be used .
21 First , there is the question of how far the Conservative proposals which form the basis of the present structure were consistent with the Redcliffe-Maud analysis .
22 More difficult for feminism is the question of how to pursue critique and justify politics in the face of the apparent relativism of a theory which abolishes older theoretical categories — categories like ‘ class ’ and ‘ woman ’ and ‘ patriarchy ’ .
23 Thirdly , there is the question of how good the witnesses will be when , and if , it comes to establishing a case in court .
24 For a start , there is the question of how to plan and predict the numbers of young people who will exercise their entitlement .
25 The real problem for Schenk 's case is the question of how far the target figures of the fabliaux can be identified with the real humanity that both authors and readers/listeners must be part of .
26 The root problem here is the question of how we can arrive at absolutely certain and reliable knowledge .
27 It is the question of how this transition takes place that is holding up the calling of an extraordinary general meeting for the purposes of formalising the arrangement .
28 What is loosely termed ‘ global competition ’ is the outcome of how individual firms have reacted over time to the changing balance of opportunity and threat .
29 The essence of the humanities is the study of how we have interpreted the world about us , how we have expressed our understanding through language , literature , philosophy and the arts , and how differing views of human life and various forms of society have shaped our history .
30 In philology , which is the study of how languages have developed through history , ablaut refers to the systematic vowel changes in verb forms of Indo-European languages , as in drive , drove , driven .
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