Example sentences of "[is] just one [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This condition is more aptly termed pre-menstrual syndrome ( PMS ) because tension is just one of a number of other emotional and physical disturbances experienced by women a few days ( or two weeks ) before the onset of menstruation .
2 Money is just one of a number of assets which people hold as wealth .
3 And growing : BT 's big ground station at Goonhilly Downs in Cornwall is just one of a number .
4 The case is just one of a spate reaching court after September 's ruling in America in which 12-year-old Gregory Kingsley won a divorce from his mother .
5 Mr Hennessy is just one of a string of bosses collecting rises that bear no relation to their firms ' profits .
6 The company , which is just one of a number of specialist groups on the railway who are restoring specific locomotives , bought the 5MT on November 9 , 1985 .
7 NeXT , as ever , told Reuters that this is just one of a number of licensing deals it is discussing .
8 It is just one of a hundred different types of delicious seafood dishes to be found on this coast .
9 The exercise held at Cockenzie early in June to test the preparedness of Torness to deal with an emergency incident is just one of a series held regularly to test Scottish Nuclear 's arrangements .
10 McBride , a versatile player , is just one of a number of particularly young Derry players who will sample the championship atmosphere for the first time .
11 ‘ It is just one of a number of sites which we are looking at to formulate an extended park and ride system , ’ he said .
12 The project is just one of a number he has in the resort , and he claims the attack of vandalism also just the latest of a growing number .
13 Coun. John Williams , leader of Darlington council , said : ‘ This pedestrianisation of Skinnergate and High Row is just one of a number of initiatives we are taking to improve the environment of the town centre .
14 The sunken garden is just one of a range of projects being undertaken by 60 students and seven college staff in order to forge stronger links between the college and the community .
15 President , Congress , carpal tunnel syndrome is just one of a large family of painful , uncomfortable , and distressing work related upper limb disorders .
16 Rachel Brown is just one of an increasing number of users who are taken to hospital suffering dehydration , exhaustion and heart and mental problems .
17 This ancient Chinese process is a fish preserving method comparable to smoking , and is just one of the techniques that catering students from the Norwich Hotel School will soon be taught .
18 Langdale is just one of the highlights of the spectacular Cumbria way
19 Catering is just one of the areas BA is examining for potential cost-cutting .
20 Tennis is just one of the many sports you can enjoy at Springs(3) .
21 Cardboard city , along with the record number of homeless is just one of the most visible monuments to the Tory government 's decade .
22 This is just one of the possible scenarios .
23 This is an important point , but is just one of the many benefits offered by this fascinating country .
24 It may be said that this is just one of the cases where it is impossible to be neutral .
25 So at home Milton is just one of the others , although he seems to have enough tricks up his sleeve to ensure that he gets his own way most of the time .
26 A. The British Rail Sealink ferry is just one of the many ships which frequently cross the Irish Sea .
27 For most of the people in India and East Africa who crack cashews , that is just one of the hazards of the job .
28 British Rail says that this is just one of the options being considered .
29 Pressure by environmentalists is just one of the problems facing mining companies .
30 This is just one of the mind-body controversies that besets the question of food sensitivity .
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