Example sentences of "[is] now [adj] that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , following a study that failed to show superiority of intravenous nutrition over polymeric feeding or oral food with parenteral supplementation , it is now apparent that complete bowel rest is not essential for achieving remission in acute Crohn 's disease with nutritional treatment .
2 It is now apparent that poor readers can be meaningfully divided into two groups .
3 I hope it is now apparent that soft conventionalism is not really a form of conventionalism at all in the spirit of the tripartite distinction among conceptions we are now using .
4 LATE NOTE : It is now possible that this will have to be switched to the Public Hall .
5 Although many of the stories are exaggerated accounts , and were once thought to be only legends , there is now proof that giant squid do exist .
6 However , it is now clear that many legal matters never emerge even for legal assistance , let alone litigation , because they are never identified as legal problems by the sufferers , or never reach lawyers , or , having reached lawyers , are not recognised as problems within the purview of the law .
7 Early studies suggested that relative mortality risks among female smokers were less than those of male smokers but it is now clear that these studies were comparing the death rates of a generation of male smokers with a generation of women amongst whom smoking was a much more recent phenomenon .
8 It is believed that a significant number of these are repeat prescriptions , although it is now clear that these powerful drugs should only be used short term .
9 Furthermore , it is now clear that some of the houses were used as workshops not dwellings , and that others were occupied by women and children as well as men .
10 It is now clear that HGT-1 cells resemble parietal cells in possessing H 2 receptors and specific omeprazole binding sites ( presumably H + , K + -ATPase units ) .
11 " It is now clear that numerous public investments , often supported by development agencies including the World Bank , have caused damage by failing to take environmental considerations into account or to judge the magnitude of the impacts " , the report says , citing some large dam projects as particularly damaging .
12 It is now clear that this was too simplistic a view .
13 While we know of certain special cases ( the sonnets of Michelangelo to Tommaso Cavalieri , for instance ) , it is now clear that this was not at all customary , and that the imputation of homosexuality in the Renaissance could have as destructive an effect on a man 's life as it has had until recently ( if , indeed , there has been any real change of English attitudes in these supposedly liberal times ) .
14 It is now clear that this is no longer an adequate explanation and that the rates of schizophrenia in British black young people are worryingly high .
15 Although originally the doctrine was thought to be restricted to cases of iniquity or wrong-doing on the part of the party seeking to enforce the obligation of confidence , it is now clear that this is not so .
16 Although it was thought that receptors mediate the contractile effects of the endothelins whereas , for instance vasodilator effects are mediated by , it is now clear that both receptors can mediate vaso-constriction .
17 ‘ It is now well-established that any application of the best evidence rule is confined to cases in which it can be shown that the party has the original and could produce it but does not . ’
18 However , given the developments both in the United Kingdom and elsewhere over the last few years , it is now unlikely that this course will be taken .
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