Example sentences of "[is] now [adj] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is now dear that Waite 's involvement was peripheral and that he was used by North as a cover to conceal the true reason for Jacobsen 's release .
2 Despite some earlier hesitations , it is now certain that A commits the tort of intimidation against C if he threatens B with conduct which is unlawful in relation to B and thereby intentionally causes B to act ( or refrain from acting ) in a way which causes damage to C. It is not a requirement of this tort that B's conduct be in any way unlawful in relation to C. An old illustration is Garret v. Taylor , where the plaintiff was the lessee of a quarry and alleged that the defendant had ‘ disturbed ’ his customers and his workmen by ‘ threatening to mayhem and vex them with suits if they had brought any stones . ’
3 It is now certain that Malta 's coach , Pippo Psaila , could not predict what Scotland 's team will be , for the simple reason that even Roxburgh does not know the answer to that one yet .
4 It is now critical that investment begins again in both people and equipment , otherwise smaller UK manufacturers will not remain competitive in international markets and capture the business which is necessary to increase the country 's employment and wealth . ’
5 So let us look at the present day , and to take this wording , do you consider that it is now appropriate that Skelton should expand any further ?
6 It is now clear that Tolstoy 's version of events rested on a fundamental confusion between what happened at Bleiburg and events which later took place elsewhere .
7 However it is now clear that Market Harborough is indeed a true ‘ New Town ’ .
8 It is now clear that dinosaurs were supreme for 130 million years , and that mammals co-existed with them , albeit small and insignificant through most of that time .
9 It is now clear that hominoids emerged in East Africa , presumably showing behaviour similar to but diverging from that of other ape-like creatures .
10 Although it is now clear that Sutherland 's attempt to fit , indeed squash , corporate crime into his theory of differential association has not proved comfortable , and that his concentration on the economic as opposed to the physical and social effects of corporate crime made his study too one-sided , it none the less did , at the time , constitute a rich legacy to bequeath to criminology .
11 It is now clear that tests of equation ( 3.29 ) are not tests of ‘ market efficiency ’ or rational expectations on its own , for equation ( 3.29 ) could only be derived with the auxiliary assumptions of risk-neutrality and identical transaction costs .
12 A good deal of this is false but it is now clear that Antony has a much better ‘ grip ’ on the crowd than Brutus has , as his language is simpler , clearer and more direct , his ideas are coming over to the crowd with a much greater force .
13 On the other hand the arts lobby which has wanted such a department for a long time , is now worried that Mellor , known for his dynamism , strong views and unceremonious manners , could take an interventionist and populist approach , particularly in relation to the Arts Council .
14 It is now evident that possession of the most active forms of ADH2 and ADH3 ( ADH2*2 and ADH3*1 ) is also ‘ protective ’ against alcoholism , presumably because of faster rates of acetaldehyde accomulation and lower alcohol tolerance .
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