Example sentences of "[is] no [noun] for you " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 If there is no ship there is no Philippe for you to worry about , is there ? ’
2 ‘ However , I have been provided with information which leads me to think she was not entirely an angel herself , which is no excuse for you .
3 ‘ However , I have been provided with information which leads me to think she was not entirely an angel herself , which is no excuse for you .
4 I concede that the Newcastle doctors may be ignorant but there is no excuse for you .
5 ‘ There is no necessity for you ‘ to go to perdition ’ , ’ Rose said crossly .
6 It is no place for you . ’
7 Shaking me slightly — so that my teeth rattled — it said , ‘ This is no place for you , whoever you may be . ’
8 ‘ There is no letter for you , Billy , ’ she says , handing them back and shutting her eyes .
9 Regardless of what other people contribute , there is no incentive for you to contribute : you are a free-rider .
10 Although you may select a borrowing limit of £3,000 , for example , there is no compulsion for you to withdraw that amount at once , or at all — you take out just as much as you want .
11 I did not have to pay for this copy , so there is no need for you to send any money .
12 Normally , there is no need for you to see the Bank Manager unless you wish to do so — we can give you the ‘ OK ’ from the information on the form .
13 If you do n't suffer from tennis elbow , then there is no need for you to read on .
14 There is no need for you
15 Of course I am , there is no need for you to elaborate .
17 If you are receiving Housing Benefit help with your rent at the moment there is no need for you to make a further claim for help with the Poll Tax .
18 ‘ So there is no need for you to concern yourself on your brother 's behalf . ’
19 ‘ There is no need for you to go , ’ said Taheb .
20 There 's no land for you . ’
21 Mike was called into the manager 's office at Vickers shipbuilding division VSEL at Barrow in August and told : ‘ There 's no job for you . ’
22 I ai n't all that proud of meself one way and another , but there 's no cause for you to tell me . ’
23 He 's no match for you , and I wo n't have him abused for being so good at the one thing he does well .
24 ‘ And there 's no reason for you to . ’
25 He wants to see me , it 's good news , there 's no reason for you to get upset like this . ’
26 ‘ There 's no reason for you to be shut in this room any longer , ’ he said flatly .
27 I 've told you , I 'm not involved with Adam , and there 's no reason for you to keep me here any longer . ’
28 And if you do n't resign then there 's no reason for you not to continue to act as adviser to Carlisle Flint .
29 Even if you decide there 's no future for you together , you owe it to your children to give this marriage your very best shot .
30 Then one evening as she was tidying up the room he said as quietly as if he were taking rifle aim , ‘ There 's no need for you to go turning the whole place upside down .
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