Example sentences of "[is] more and [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I strolled along the narrow path with the anticipatory exhilaration a fine morning bestows , that quids-in glow of youth , confident that there is more and better to come .
2 Management training for ryokan operators and staff is more and more geared for western guests ' needs and comprehension .
3 Marx believed he could observe the process of polarization in nineteenth-century Britain when he wrote ‘ Society as a whole is more and more splitting into two great hostile camps … bourgeoisie and proletariat ’ .
4 It is clear in any case that the growing size of the middle class must change fundamentally the image of capitalist society as one in which class antagonisms are simplified , and ‘ society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two great hostile camps , into two great classes directly facing each other — bourgeoisie and proletariat ’ , which Marx and Engels depicted in the Communist Manifesto and which Marxists and other socialists generally accepted without much questioning until the early years of the twentieth century .
5 We have seen that the continual tendency and law of the development of the capitalist mode of production is more and more to divorce the means of production from labour , and more and more to concentrate the scattered means of production into large groups , thereby transforming labour into wage-labour and the means of production into capital ’ ( ibid . ) .
6 When things go wrong , liability is more and more falling on company directors , with their own personal wealth at stake when they get sued , Neil Fitzgerald reports .
7 Erm as I digest Mr 's comments and the various implications erm of the things that he said , it 's more and more confirming for me that perhaps we may well be right in the step by step measured approach because quite clearly erm I suspect that if we run at this stage a preferred location , erm I suspect that the the opposition to that and there would be opposition to it , may well have may well prejudice the principle er of the new settlement .
8 In the meantime there 's more and more going bust every week !
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