Example sentences of "[is] see to [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The prime target market , then , is seen to be pre-retirement .
2 Research shows that a high profile group which is seen to be effective in its campaigning at both national and local levels , draws people to itself .
3 On atomic and subatomic levels seemingly solid matter is seen to be small particles within particles which eventually turn out to be just pure energy .
4 The collation of this information and its subsequent analysis is seen to be central to the procedures within the unit .
5 It is easily visible with the naked eye , and is striking in binoculars ; with × 12 there is some resolution of its outer parts , and with × 20 it is seen to be starry .
6 Demands to bring forward the age of retirement come to the fore ; for older people to continue working is seen to be selfish , depriving younger people of opportunity .
7 The difference caused by the placement of the tone-unit boundary is seen to be equivalent to giving two different paraphrases of the sentences , as in : a ) A profit was made by those who sold quickly .
8 The chosen design of an individual gear is seen to be successful only if it not only meshes with the next gear in the train but also contributes to the selection of the desired gearbox ratios .
9 Something which is seen to be efficient at the moment may not be efficient if the future is taken into consideration — and the other way round .
10 In between are the ‘ fair ’ judges , whose judgement is seen to be unaffected by mood or the time of the day , and whose punishment fits the crime .
11 This point may sound very obvious , but it is seen to be crucial when one party to the contract is looking for a way to get out of his contractual obligations and is able to seize upon an ill-defined point .
12 This can be done only if the whole body is seen to be involved in some way or other .
13 If the expert is seen to be incompetent ( eg. if an accountant does not seem to provide sensible information ) or if his area of expertise is not widely acknowledged ( which is often the case with personnel department staff ) he will have little or no expert power .
14 If the coordinate system is set along the axis of the shaft , only one rotational freedom is seen to be allowable .
15 When the distribution of revenue is seen to be equitable , one would expect to see this intransigence diminish and with it doubts about the commitment of the UK to the EC .
16 A joint scholarship funded by the artist 's widow Pilar and by Sotheby 's worth Pta10 million will be awarded to artists and students whose work is seen to be close to that of Miró .
17 Clearly a more concerted approach is seen to be necessary in order to secure property from potential consigners .
18 Even when drastic revision is seen to be necessary and accepted , the point in time at which to conduct this extensive review can be difficult to select .
19 Throughout the early reports there is a constant emphasis on the level and content of the work , in an obvious attempt to stress that adults in ‘ deprived ’ areas are capable of undertaking sustained , demanding education if it is seen to be relevant to their needs .
20 Once again , a sufferer is seen to be mad , and his fearful sense of what he is up to can be seen to dominate the book in which it is in the end defeated or controverted .
21 In consequence no particular facet of the policy is seen to be peculiar to any one Division ; what is so for the profession generally is also true for the building surveyor ; we are all in the same boat .
22 ‘ Chronicle is an up-and-coming house , and is seen to be different , which is good for us , ’ he said .
23 So notions and functions are generally seen as replacing linguistic structures as units of content , and a notional/functional ( and therefore communicative ) orientation is seen to be incompatible with a concern for grammatical structure and meanings intrinsic in form .
24 Because the Council is seen to be independent of government and political parties , it is a trusted source of objective comment on how policy can affect business conditions in Scotland .
25 Each appears to be bound in a very pale and supple leather ( on inspection this is seen to be Human skin ) .
26 We must also ensure that teaching is seen to be important , and a simple way to start is to insist that all doctors must document their experience when applying for jobs and that all appointments committees should ask about it .
27 Explain the system carefully and do ensure that it is seen to be fair .
28 It is seen to be fair .
29 The local economy may derive benefits from this brain drain , even sufficient to offset the costs , if there is seen to be fair competition between the TNCs and the indigenous firms for trained managerial , technical and craft personnel .
30 I have outlined a handful of sexual difference theories wherein homosexuality is associated with , or is seen to be expressive of : ( 1 ) the true , negative , nature of patriarchy , ( 2 ) a negation of what is truly vital and creative in ( heterosexual ) desire , ( 3 ) anti-Semitism , totalitarianism , and fascism , ( 4 ) an obliteration of the autonomy of the other , ( 5 ) anal negativity , solipsism , and sterility and de-creation , ( 6 ) the undifferentiation of a dying culture , ( 7 ) a cowardly refusal of homosocial rivalry , ( 8 ) the definitive expression of homosocial rivalry .
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