Example sentences of "[is] as it should [be] " in BNC.

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1 If his Mum did the lot , and he thinks that 's as it should be , you 're going to have your work cut out persuading him to do his share .
2 Perhaps that 's as it should be , because who can know for sure ?
3 It 's as it should be .
4 Sometimes plays straight , sometimes starts to distort , hardly perceptible at first , then more and more , until he is producing wild expressionist shrieks or light medieval dances , then gradually the hymn reasserts itself until all is as it should be .
5 They are possessions and their husbands think that is as it should be .
6 This is a spooning cheese and should be served by removing the top crust and scooping out the paste with a spoon — from the retailer 's point of view it is quite difficult to persuade customers that the cheese is as it should be .
7 If the last two decades have been just a trifle one-sided , before that the competition was excellent , with first one side holding sway and then the other , which is as it should be .
8 Indeed , this is as it should be .
9 There seems little likelihood of more resources ( in terms of money ) becoming available , as a proportion of the total GDP ; and perhaps this is as it should be .
10 Clearly , much room is left for the discretion of the doctor , and this is as it should be , since the assessment of the patient 's prognosis is one of his distinct skills .
11 If you believe that there is something more after this life and that the spirit of the person who has died is continuing its journey in that place , then , because that is as it should be , there is no point in crying for that spirit .
12 This is as it should be under the constitution of the United Kingdom .
13 From the gently misleading acoustic opening chords of ‘ Power Missy ’ to the final screaming guitar frenzy of ‘ Peace ’ nothing is as it should be .
14 Given the bodily likeness of the great apes to ourselves , and what we are told of the similarities of brain-size and structure , sensory apparatus , pregnancy span , and early cognitive competence , this is as it should be .
15 This is as it should be .
16 But that is as it should be .
17 For Conrad , this is as it should be : that see means both to perceive and to comprehend is more than an accident of metaphor .
18 They receive a rapturous reception , which is as it should be : here , after all , are the players who have lost just one league game in the previous fifteen months , the players who are widely expected to terrify the rest of the continent in the European Cup , the team with the best strike force and the meanest defence in the First Division .
19 This is as it should be , so long as these societies and missions depend upon voluntary support .
20 This is movement in the right direction ; this is as it should be
21 The story count is high — page three of the winning issue positively buzzed with 11 stories , and eight were crammed on to the back , which is as it should be in a conglomerate all about communication .
22 On the whole , dining rooms fall into pretty familiar categories , furnished with pretty familiar types of furniture , colours and accessories , And perhaps that is as it should be .
23 The notorious Atlantic trade in black Africans has received the extensive and controversial attention of historians , and that is as it should be , for it was a shameful traffic for which apologetics are quite out of order .
24 We disagree among ourselves about much , and that is as it should be in an open society .
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