Example sentences of "[is] in [noun sg] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Local historian Count Nikolai Tolstoy , who has himself given evidence in the war crimes trial of John Demianuk , says he 's in favour of prosecutions .
2 Now who who who 's in favour of sports ground then , being the next word ?
3 quite good today actually , we 've got erm Pat who is like erm who is , I think she 's like the personnel in charge of I know that she 's in charge of personnel there
4 ‘ Who 's in charge of banners ? ’
5 This is in spite of alpha-particles being less penetrating than gamma-rays .
6 Many people have become paupers after their association with her but the pleasure of her company can only be had as long as one is in possession of riches to bestow on her . ’
7 NELSON MANDELA , the imprisoned leader of the African National Congress , is in favour of negotiations with F W de Klerk 's government , but feels strongly that the black majority of South Africans should be in favour too , before embarking on such a venture .
8 It is assumed from the start that it is the experimenter rather than his subject matter who is in control of events .
9 Labour has broken off parliamentary relations with the government , the move which will end the system of pairing for Commons ' votes , is in protest of plans to rush controversial legislation through the Commons .
10 The International Animal Welfare Alliance said Mary , whose husband is in charge of monkeys at Woburn and Longleat , is a director of a firm involved in the sale .
11 Philip Gregory is in charge of museums under O'Mara .
12 Maggie Corr is in charge of children 's library services in Edinburgh and buys 35,000 new books a year .
13 Maggie Corr is in charge of children 's library services in Edinburgh and buys 35,000 new books a year .
14 One is Hill Air Force Base in Ogden , Utah , which is in charge of parts for F-16s .
15 Philip is head of the school 's art department ; Victoria is in charge of ceramics .
16 WE have been asked to point out that the Crown Office — which is in charge of prosecutions in Scottish courts — does not run the courts , which are the responsibility of the Scottish Courts Administration .
17 In the negotiations , as in so many other matters , the British attitude is in advance of others .
18 Burton claims that in doing so , the plant 's operator , AEA Technology , is in breach of regulations which demand that radioactive emissions are kept " as low as reasonably possible " .
19 ‘ The removal or the retention of a child is to be considered wrongful where — ( a ) it is in breach of rights of custody attributed to a person , an institution or any other body , either jointly or alone , under the law of the state in which the child was habitually resident immediately before the removal or retention ; and ( b ) at the time of removal or retention those rights were actually exercised , either jointly or alone , or would have been so exercised but for the removal or retention .
20 The refund is in respect of contributions paid by the company prior to 31 December 1992 .
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