Example sentences of "[is] that the [noun] can " in BNC.

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1 The advantage of reverse-flow is that the water can be constantly filtered for detritus and debris that would otherwise be held in the coral sand and gravel and cause it to pack down and clog .
2 Although such possessory rights are capable of being disposed inter vivos and can devolve to one 's heirs upon death , the cardinal rule in Islam is that the State can at any time repossess the land if such land is required for the public good .
3 However physical replicas can only incorporate features and characteristics perceived to be significant at the time of replication and part of the justification for preserving original objects in preference to a copy is that the original can be interrogated in an open-ended way in the light of unforeseen enquiry .
4 The fact is that the RHA can not sensibly opt to do nothing .
5 The advantage is that the cover can be pushed to one side with a net handle or broomstick , then slid back again , while the pondkeeper remains dry and in full possession of his sanity .
6 The reality of AIDS is that the person can die at any time .
7 The Piraeus kouros appears to have an iron armature inside , so was cast in one piece ( one of the advantages of sectional casting is that the core can be removed ) ; but it has not been properly studied or published and we can not say what methods were used ; nor do we know what was the nature of Rhoikos ' and Theodoros 's innovation .
8 The worry is that the jury can not be made to abide by directions of this kind , and so it is alleged that , if no evidential weight attaches to the refusal to answer , it would be better to exclude it altogether than to run the risk .
9 My contribution is that , my experience is that the hook can often be a national event .
10 The real advantage with this development is that the patient can now start to appreciate how the blood glucose varies with diet , exercise and illness .
11 ‘ We are not getting paranoid about it because the only difference is that the keeper ca n't pick the ball up .
12 One advantage of a naming ceremony is that the child can be given ‘ godparents ’ to turn to for support .
13 The trouble is that the promoter can then bowdlerise or doctor the final version that appears before the House , and it is presented as though it is objective , but is it really objective ?
14 The advantage of the latter is that the boxes can be made up beforehand and do not have to be set out .
15 In the towns they drink wine and liqueurs , but we ca n't do that in the villages … the result is that the gents can drink , but it 's forbidden to the lower classes . ’
16 What is interesting about the system is that the driver can decide for himself — by pressing a button — whether or not he wants to use these features .
17 It seems to me that the implication in such an attitude is that the space can be filled — it is possible — and that this is therefore a more simple and perhaps less courageous attitude than that of the anorexic .
18 For her , the dreadful underlying fear is that the space can never be filled : any such attempt would be futile , and so the best thing to do in the circumstances is to accept that the space exists , and to turn this fact to advantage .
19 The reason for this is that the snail can only perceive events which are more than one quarter of a second apart , so a stick which is moved four times a second appears to be stationary .
20 The disadvantage of this system is that the AAs can be a bit fiddly to load .
21 What is certain ( see Chapter 14 ) is that the fetus can respond to inputs from its mother which show a 24-hour period , whereas the newborn baby — particularly when premature — is much less able to respond to 24-hour rhythms in this new environment .
22 A common complaint among cancer patients is that the treatment can seem worse than the disease .
23 The only different rule is that the ball can bounce twice .
24 The effect of section 9 is that the Crown can not rely directly on wire-tapping evidence in legal proceedings , but may use only the fruits of the interception .
25 Under the " once-and-for-all " test what matters is that the income can be used to benefit the individual in question in the year of assessment in which it arises , and it does not matter if it is not possible so to apply that income in a subsequent year of assessment .
26 One of the joys of making a trifle is that the ingredients can be changed according to taste and season .
27 The practical upshot of this is that the user can formulate a complex request such as ‘ locate a Postscript printer loaded with plain paper on the third floor ’ and get a sensible answer back .
28 If expectations are fixed then the answer is that the government can achieve point A on the iso-vote line V 1 by expanding aggregate demand to generate inflation of P 1 and unemployment of U 1 .
29 Keep interest rates low ( at r 1 ) in order , say , to keep down the costs of investment , but also reduce money supply to a level of Q 2 The trouble here is that the government can not both control the money supply and keep interest rates down without running into the problem of disequilibrium .
30 The most attractive feature is that the directors can borrow back half the money in the scheme and invest it in their business .
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