Example sentences of "[is] that the [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 When Dexter focused back on the conversation , Blanche was laughing at some joke of Eddy Russell 's that the sergeant had missed .
2 I think I 'll have to get a new curtain rail it 's that the plastic snapped been on the curtain ring
3 The one 's that the volunteers planted are thriving quite well .
4 These days the deal is often struck at the time of divorce ; and usually it 's that the house goes to your wife , for good .
5 Mr Davey 's imperative as a publisher that so upset Mr Hitchin and his fellow booksellers was that ‘ my prime concern is that the school buys my books , and the only person the publisher can rely upon to actively sell his books to the school is himself ’ .
6 Jessop argues that what instrumental Marxist writers fail to grasp is that the state does not respond to the economic crises of capitalism .
7 The unexpected feature of the quantum world is that the state resulting from this combination does not correspond to the electron being somewhere in the middle between " here " and " there " but rather to its having a certain probability to be found " here " and a certain probability to be found " there " .
8 If a homosexual union is to be accepted as a marriage and yet denied the right to raise children , what is really being said is that the state has an interest in sheltering and protecting children from a homosexual environment .
9 The alternative view is that the state comes into being and is maintained as an instrument of domination , as a result either of the internal differentiation of society into dominant and subordinate classes ( according to the Marxist theory ) , or of the imposition of the rule of one group of people upon another by conquest ( as Oppenheimer argued ) .
10 Thus , leaving the graduated scheme out of account for a moment , the position we have reached today is that the state pays to all retired persons , without regard to means , a pension roughly of subsistence value .
11 Again they ask of what significance it is that the metaphors used for God in the Hebrew and Christian scriptures are overwhelmingly male ? )
12 The first is that the views expressed here are the author 's and not necessarily those of the Law Commission .
13 A common problem when starting in stronger winds is that the board seems constantly to turn into the wind .
14 The crooked pay-off is that the secretary feels blameless and discounts the innocent manager .
15 The only oddity is that the debt does not yet exist , and will only arise if the beneficiary enters Gaius Seius ' estate and thus becomes liable to pay the testator a sum of money .
16 The first is that the wind tends to lift the upwind wing-tip and the second is that the glider tends to weathercock into the wind .
17 The amplifier that you 're using on this tour , is that the Ray Butts amp that you used on Elvis 's ‘ Comeback Special ’ ?
18 But what few people realise is that the SAS has two Territorial Army regiments .
19 The difficulty is that the wife has died intestate , and her intestate heir is precisely the person she was asked to ward off from her property .
20 The poem represents the interests of the poet/jongleur 's party : the denouement is that the Devil bars all jongleurs from Hell .
21 Erm And the other factor that that 's introduced as well is that the powers got into the habit of meeting in congresses .
22 Quite clearly the most important thing about final presentations is that the play suits the talent available in the group .
23 Here is an extract from a letter written by an indignant rentier to his bailiff ( Driver , no. x ) : When in the next century Alexander the Great , after winning the battle of Issos in Cilicia , turned south against Egypt rather than going immediately east towards the Iranian centre of the Persian Empire , his decision , as we shall see , was strategically sensible ; what is surprising is that the Persians surrendered so quickly , not trying to defend Egypt at all , although economically Egypt probably mattered more to the Persian upper class than any other satrapy .
24 Well my Lord the issue is that the defendants deny they were under any duty to offer any advice about financial .
25 ‘ What appears to have happened is that the resident mixed two household substances , which should not have been mixed , ’ said the council spokesman .
26 Part of the left 's problem , admits Mr Geremek , is that the communists have sullied the term ‘ socialist ’ beyond redemption , even though people respond favourably in opinion polls to such left-wing causes as social justice and equality .
27 The irony is that the others sense this but they too cover up that they sense it , and they too cover up their cover up .
28 What is clear , however , is that the problems facing the water industry are their most difficult yet and that unless some action is taken , the problems can only get worse .
29 Presumably the reason why the bank has an equitable proprietary interest is that the law imposes a constructive trust .
30 Their Lordships ' conclusion , in agreement with Lord Upjohn , is that the law did take the wrong turning in Rex v. Sheridan [ 1937 ] 1 K.B .
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