Example sentences of "[is] that [vb past] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This procedure , which is that adopted in the model described above , is quite legitimate ; it does however underline the limitations of confining attention to equilibrium paths .
2 As it happens , the only ethical guide which is relatively clear , though still very general , is that contained in a brief statement made by Pope Pius XII 20 years ago .
3 A less strongly related argument is that contained in a version of the ‘ insider-outsider ’ accounts of unemployment ( see Linbeck and Snower 1986 ) .
4 It does suggest that the only information the discourse analyst has access to is that contained in the text of a discourse fragment .
5 One important default power is that contained in the Housing Act , 1980 , which can be brought into effect whenever the minister considers that tenants are having difficulty in exercising their right to buy a council property ‘ effectively and expeditiously ’ .
6 The former is that contained in the UK Data Protection Act .
7 Edward 's only extant will is that made before the French expedition of 1475 , and on internal evidence it had been modified , if not superseded , by 1483 .
8 Edward 's only extant will is that made before the French expedition of 1475 , and on internal evidence it had been modified , if not superseded , by 1483 .
9 On this view the only reservation that is relevant is that made by the State whose law is applicable to the transaction , and reservations made by the State in which the forum is located have no significance as such and operate only if the conflict rules of that State lead to the application of its own law .
10 The debt which never appears in any balance sheet or account is that owed by the Association to the fund-raising efforts of its supporters and the generosity of the public .
11 This would imply the promotion of another pagus of the Brigantes , and a possible candidate is that represented by the curia Textoverdorum mentioned on an altar from Chesterholm .
12 The first group of costs to contend with is that related to the purchase and transfer of ownership of land .
13 While Special Branch sent along junior officers to transcribe proceedings at NL meetings in 1939 , the most important information we have on its activities is that procured by an intelligence agent working for the Board of Deputies of British Jews .
14 The only relaxation presently available from the absolute prohibition against foreign lawyers ( other than those who duly obtain the professional qualifications necessary to become members of the legal profession in England and Wales ) undertaking the work of solicitors and barristers is that afforded under the European Communities ( Services of Lawyers ) Order 1978 which , as amended , has effect for the stated purpose of enabling an EC qualified lawyer to pursue his professional activities in any part of the UK by providing , subject to conditions , the services otherwise reserved to the local professions ( advocates , barristers and solicitors ) .
15 The most influential view is that expressed by a report for the OECD , which sees the intensifying economic difficulties of these years as resulting from ‘ an unusual bunching of unfortunate disturbances unlikely to be repeated on the same scale , the impact of which was compounded by some avoidable errors in economic policy ’ ( McCracken , 1977 , p. 14 ) .
16 Another emotion which is somewhat elaborated upon by the Chewong is that expressed by the word chan which I translate as anger or angry .
17 Knowledge Linked to the power acquired through the control of information is that acquired through the possession of some specialised knowledge or skill , particularly where that knowledge can not be easily substituted .
18 The remaining commercial reserves figure is that estimated at the end of the year plus the production during the year .
19 The minister will generally have to decide only whether the period required for retribution and deterrence is that recommended by the judge , or by the Lord Chief Justice , or is some lesser or greater period .
20 The most widely used system of nomenclature of chemical compounds is that recommended by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry ( IUPAC ) .
21 A particular type of credit and money-management education is that needed for the people who unfortunately have to pick up the pieces when consumers get into difficulties over credit use : consumer and community advisers , citizens ' advice bureaux staff , social workers , even probation officers .
22 One such initiative is that presented by the application of advanced expert systems to aircraft maintenance operations .
23 The Heineken effect this research has identified is that created by a confiding trusting relationship , which accompanied by appropriate services , achieves more than any other managerial skill they could identify , to encourage elderly people to believe they could manage independent living and avoid admission to residential care .
24 Suppose we require to solve unc The square matrix used here is that employed for the Examples of 2.2 ; we choose diagonal pivoting without row interchange .
25 Perhaps the most remarkable of all serpentine chemical defences is that employed by the spitting cobras of Africa .
26 One example of dump leaching is that used at the Kennecott Chino Mine in New Mexico , USA , from which there is a daily yield of cement copper of 45–50 t ( Pooley 1987 ) .
27 Probably the classic statement of this approach is that used by the J. Walter Thompson ‘ T-Plan ’ , as described by Stephen King in Developing New Brands , where responses are divided into responses from the senses ( what is perceived about the brand ) , from the reason ( what is believed about the brand ) and from the emotions ( what is felt about the brand ) .
28 The most complex of their techniques is that used by the mallee fowl in the open scrub country of southern Australia .
29 The oddest is that used in the fourteenth century by the English historian Adam of Murimuth .
30 Its pungent and spicy flavour is unmistakable , and the oil obtained from the plant is that used in the manufacture of spearmint chewing-gum .
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