Example sentences of "[is] that [pron] [noun] have " in BNC.

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1 The actual state of the market is that it 's flooded with property , so we have a case where supply has increased , demand is still at a fairly low level , so we 're having to be very honest with our clients , our vendors , and let them know that the situation is that their property has to be of good value in the market place .
2 What the NME fails to realise time and time again is that we whiteys have minds and therefore opinions and views of our own .
3 The effect is that what God has done fades slowly out of the picture , and we focus increasingly on what we ourselves seem well able to do .
4 Rather , it is that its demise has again thrown the need for a trading market for the small and medium-sized growing company into the full glare of the spotlights .
5 Her problem now is that her body has adapted to her starvation regime by slowing down her metabolism .
6 As I write this I realize at last why it is that her face has kept coming to me in this room .
7 Now the remarkable circumstance , recorded by Anna Dostoevsky in her memoirs , is that her husband had a foreboding of political disturbances at the Academy , and fearing that his brother-in-law ‘ because of his youthfulness and weakness of character might take an active part in them ’ , he persuaded Anna 's mother it would be a good thing if the young man came to them in Dresden : which he did in October of 1869 , the month before Ivanov was murdered .
8 ‘ The reality , however , is that his Government has given the bombers ' political wing the right to be in the council chamber . ’
9 Although President Barco is given credit for good intentions , the fear is that his move has come too late : by now , the money at stake is too big , the drug barons too firmly entrenched in Colombian society , and the state institutions too deeply compromised by too many years of complacency , if not complicity .
10 The main problem here is that his mother has not managed to gain Darren 's attention to her signal that the reward is available .
11 The trouble is that his men have done just as badly as the old guard .
12 His difficulty is that his party has nothing to tell him about what it would spend if it were returned to power , which it will not be .
13 What the alleged attacker did n't know , says Madonna fan Alan Pettit , is that his victim has Aids .
14 And what Claudia was to find is that our century has proved that the irrational and the immaterial have as strong a hold as ever .
15 No , the fact is that my trustees have been putting the screws on .
16 ‘ What it amounts to , ’ he explained , ‘ is that your sister has a mild attack of a disease we call infantile paralysis .
17 The only proviso is that your holiday has to be for a minimum of five nights .
18 The advantage is that your debtor has either to pay you or not pay you ; if the latter , you have saved time in assessing the situation and can immediately get on with whatever action is necessary .
19 Let us assume that the give-away clue is that your murderer has dyed his moustache .
20 to say that in fairness to them , so what we would respectfully submit is that your Lordship having assessed the damages and erm , together with interest other than court of protection costs that the figure which we had mentioned and , and adjourn the matter for consideration of a structured settlement erm and that 's the first figure erm , that , the , the second thing , is that there is money in court er we would ask for a direction of the balance of the money , the balance over and above the money in court which is an extra three hundred and six thousand , three hundred and forty pounds at the present stage be brought into court within a reasonable time which we would note is fourteen days , maybe the defendant would ask longer , we have n't discussed it .
21 However , if the reason for the closure is that your employer has transferred his business to someone else , there may be no dismissal because you have been automatically transferred to work for the new owner ( see below ) .
22 What comes through very clearly is that your testers have a very strong anti-Ford , anti-Escort bias .
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