Example sentences of "[is] that [noun] which [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Since managers may be assessed on short term profitability , heavy investment in R & D may adversely affect their rating ; a second worry is that firms which invest heavily in R & D may be ‘ undervalued ’ by financial institutions .
2 One fact which people often forget is that horses which have passed the acute clinically ill stage of the disease will still remain infectious for up to six weeks or possibly even longer .
3 The final point , on the purely technical side , is that accessories which offer automatic dialling of telephone numbers via a Hayes-compatible modem wo n't necessarily work in the UK .
4 The thrust of this argument is that tribunals which resolve disputes have matured beyond the framework envisaged by the Franks Report .
5 The only difference you will notice in normal LIFESPAN operation is that transactions which involve reading offlined modules will take longer than usual , as the modules must first be brought back online .
6 Another forecast is that companies which have committed themselves to supplying multiple retailers — which is still being publicly advanced as the correct structural direction for the beef industry to take — could find themselves at a permanent disadvantage .
7 What the ad does n't mention , either , is that cells which contains traces of blood are naturally excreted in the faeces and in some babies the amount of cells that are shed increases if they are fed cow 's milk — but still not enough to worry about .
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