Example sentences of "[is] [indef pn] [prep] [noun] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 But if she thinks it 's worth the risk , then it 's up to you to try and contain that risk — make sure there 's nothing to trip over , and that someone who can react quickly is on hand to give tactful support where necessary .
2 If there is plenty of food about , she may do so every other day .
3 And there 's plenty of stuff around , not expensive .
4 Oh yes , there 's plenty of aircraft and there 's plenty of hotels out there , I can tell you .
5 If you do n't there 's plenty of people out there that do and they 'll walk right all over you to get what they want .
6 There 's plenty of trees around , like mine for instance
7 ‘ There 's plenty of room up here for me to stay quite comfortably and there ought to be someone on hand to milk the cows , however bad the weather . ’
8 But there 's lots of wildlife around , if you happen to be in the right place at the right time , and not singing a Betty Boo number at the top of your voice .
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