Example sentences of "[is] [that] we [modal v] [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And Mama has written to say how grateful she is that we 'll be able to see how the old house has stood up to the war and cope with any disasters for her . ’
2 The Unionist fear is that we may be on the last verse of another .
3 What 's really worrying me is that we may be dealing with amateurs . ’
4 For the fact of the matter is that we shall be misled if , along with most other enquiries in this field to date , we perhaps rather naively imagine that if man 's earliest ego is found preserved , as it were , in the chimpanzee , then there we shall also find the evolutionary basis of his id .
5 What results from this is that we might be led to think that the problem with defining God is that there is a whole range of ideas about the divine being that tend to produce no very clear overall picture .
6 What the results do indicate is that we must be prepared to consider radically new views of reality without placing locality in a central position .
7 ‘ What this means for Liberal Democrats is that we must be much less exclusive in our approach to politics and much more inclusive to others in this one .
8 We need to know how to see the world as the Christian Fathers saw it ; and the purpose of reascending to origins is that we should be able to return , with greater spiritual knowledge , to our own situation .
9 If they were not told the embarrassing source of these words — and perhaps even if they were — most Asians would give a vigorous nod of approval to the sentiments expressed by Neville Chamberlain when Germany annexed the Sudetenland in 1938 : ‘ How horrible , fantastic , incredible it is that we should be digging trenches and trying on gas-masks here because of a quarrel in a far-away country between people of whom we know nothing . ’
10 I told her how much I disliked Katherine Mansfield as a personality , and she faintly rebuked me : ‘ What I feel is that we should be so grateful to her . ’
11 One is to conceive of them as being deliberately designed for the purposes they serve , the implication of which is that we should be constantly reforming existing institutions so that they may better serve those ends for which they were intended .
12 What I am arguing is that we should be trying to rescue the market economy from the libertarian philosophy with which it has become entangled and regrettably identified .
13 However , all too often when two-spit digging is recommended , the point that is not made clear is that we should be thinking primarily about the needs of the plants that are to grow in the dug soil .
14 Every definition of it can be swiftly undermined , so there 's inevitable uncertainty about what it is that we should be celebrating .
15 Erm the purpose of the two columns , and I think we 've missed this out , is , is that we should be identifying how many w w whether we 're using er going to produce drawings by hand or by CAD .
16 The only appropriate demands that we can make , as we have already remarked , is that we should be given clear examples where they are or are not at work , and that we should be shown how they interact with one another and with more complex factors in ways that lead to verifiable claims about data .
17 That , er , Chairman , if I could say the thing that bothers me here is that , it always has done about food , is that we should be keeping up to date with information , all these decisions and all this advice .
18 You can do it to some extent through the public sector , but one of the worrying things I find about the present situation with this growth of generations , the clamp down on building — less than a hundred thousand houses , I think , completed in the U K last year — my estimate is that we should be building about two hundred and fifty thousand .
19 ‘ My great fear , ’ he told the Society of Conservative Accountants last month , ‘ is that we will be back in just the same position again in the next recession .
20 My fear is that we will be back in just the same position again in the next recession .
21 If we expect to be ill , the likelihood is that we will be .
22 One you are all aware of is that we will be nationally approved to BS5750 standard .
23 A further small difference is that we will be requiring intending voters and candidates to supply information about their electoral rights in their home member state .
24 ‘ Our bottom line is that we will be increasing and accelerating our support for Russia 's democracy , ’ he said .
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