Example sentences of "[is] [not/n't] always [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But a community that accepts integrity has a vehicle for organic change , even if it is not always wholly effective , that it would not otherwise have at all .
2 In his Harvard thesis of 1916 T. S. Eliot had claimed any knowledge of reality to be little more than a perilous mental construct : ‘ we are forced to admit that the construction is not always completely successful , ’ being ‘ always about to fall apart . ’
3 The language syntax is not always completely identical to that of the 6502 version , but in most cases the Z80 version is more tolerant .
4 You will note that the language used is not always syntactically correct .
5 On the other hand , because the perfect answer is not always immediately available does not mean that the whole exercise can or should be abandoned as a foolish pipe-dream .
6 The explanation for this is that an automatic car is not always immediately available and they are more expensive to produce .
7 The type of doubt which is generated by a weak sense of personal conviction is not always immediately apparent .
8 However , some fabric retention may be achieved through abundant inclusions , although this is not always immediately apparent ( Fig. 5.40a , b ) .
9 As for camouflage , this is not always easily explicable on neo-Darwinian premises .
10 Respondents requested this information , and pointed out that it is not always readily accessible .
11 Despite the impression given by some articles , marriage is not the only relationship and many non-marrieds equally find that adjusting to retirement is not always that easy .
12 However , the relevant court system is not always so expensive and the methods adopted to enable the fair resolution of the dispute may not always be cheap .
13 In some cases they are provided : making up a two per cent solution means two per cent not one per cent or ten , giving ten millilitres of medication is a precise measure , but it is not always so easy to define standards .
14 With terms expressly agreed by the parties it is not always so easy .
15 Clearly , the distinction is not always so apparent ; sometimes artists work as designers , and vice-versa .
16 It is not always so obvious in relationships , where we often expect the bright flames of love to burn out of their own purity and spontaneity , but they too need refuelling in what may be quite prosaic ways .
17 The link between pleasure and addiction is not always so extreme , but more mundane addictions have brought about millions of less dramatic deaths outside the laboratory , and caused untold misery and pain .
18 Class remains synonymous with organized labour , regardless of the fact that in the context of local authorities organized labour is not always very radical .
19 In our society , it is not always very easy to talk about religious experiences — it is often far easier to discuss the previously taboo subject of sex .
20 An English style of demi-caractëre dance is not always very obvious except in the hornpipe and in Ashton 's Harvest , Maypole and Morris Stick Dance in La Fille Mal Gardée , where the last two vary very little from the traditional versions .
21 In the area of defence , the foremost claimant for government funds in time of war , the picture available of the two belligerents ' military machines , like that of their finances , is not always very clear .
22 In summary , it is likely that the effect of the social role assigned to the fieldworker might be quite complex , with status , sex , age and ethnicity interacting in a manner which is not always initially obvious .
23 The legal profession is not always entirely blameless in these matters , for there is often left in the minds of interested people the suspicion that , in the courts of law the scoring of points and the winning of cases takes precedence over the desire to administer justice and establish truth .
24 The artistic approach involves a more intuitive , creative way of thinking that is not always entirely logical , is found more often in the ladies ’ approach and comes with experience .
25 There is no such thing in practice as a perfect vapour barrier , though this is not always as serious as it might appear .
26 Of course life is not always as simple as that , and being asked to cover for a colleague at very short notice or an unexpected cancellation or transfer on the theatre list can throw your best laid plans into disarray .
27 It is not always as simple as following the chain back until we come to a name or a noun .
28 Although certain oils are believed to be ‘ uplifting ’ , ‘ sedative ’ or ‘ anti-depressant ’ , it is not always as straightforward as this .
29 The ordering of given and new information is not always as straightforward as this , however .
30 But the process is not always as beneficial as is popularly supposed
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