Example sentences of "[is] [that] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 So , what probably happens is that women at the bottom of the social heap in the United States , having poor health care , high stressed lives , crime , drugs and all these kind of problems , probably have more spontaneous abortions , therefore the sex ratio away from males towards females , whereas women at the top of the social scale , low stress lives , good health care , better maternity erm medicine , stuff like that , retain more foetuses , therefore you 'd expect them to have more males , and this is what seems to happen .
2 The reason , Time explained , is that women under the age of 30 picture a feminist , to quote one college senior , as ‘ someone who does n't shave her legs and is doing everything she can to deny that she is feminine ’ .
3 Birdland 's manager Wayne Morris told NME : ‘ All I can say is that reports of the band leaving Lazy are totally untrue .
4 One solution to the problem is that monopoles within the Sun catalyse certain nuclear fusion reactions , but not those that produce the neutrinos detected here on Earth .
5 The advantage of the method is that records on the prime data track do not have to be moved ; a link field has to be inserted in record 111 , however .
6 What makes the privatisations even more attractive is that vouchers on the secondary market now sell at a discount of over 60% .
7 The main reason for the backwards trace is that decisions about the optimal labelling on the forward pass might prove to be local maxima .
8 However , what actually has happened is that accidents for the 16–19-age-working groups have increased , so the comparison is hardly reassuring ( Guardian 19.8.89 ) .
9 One of the major themes of the present study is that variations in the political response to economic crisis profoundly affect readjustments in the public enterprise sector .
10 The crux of the matter is that attitudes on the character and scope of planning have changed .
11 One is that descendants of the marginal stock enter into competition with the parental stock in a third area of colonization .
12 The intention is that operations in the QBE language are analogous to the way people would naturally use tables .
13 The corollary of the theory , of course , is that ads for the cheap , day-to-day , convenience type of product are of so little interest to anybody that they should carry a minimum of information , and that they will even then have great difficulty in achieving any very active response from customers .
14 An argument by many atmospheric physicists , for example , is that shortcomings in the accuracy of weather prediction over periods of more than a few days largely results from the unsophisticated nature of existing models , the lack of suitable data and inadequate computer power ( see Fig. 9.3 , derived from Tyler 1989 ) .
15 The second comment is that loadings on the 17.18 ex Salop train have been so good that the caterers are experimenting with extending the buffet service from Saturdays only into the week .
16 My final comment is that loadings on the Central Wales line seem fairly light at present , judging by the two or three times I have been on it lately .
17 The underlying problem is that cases concerning the employment rights of public employees often raise both public law and private law issues which are not easily separable , if at all .
18 It could n't matter less what the AMDEA happens to think about global warming ; the reality is that changes in the European Community will force all European manufacturers to meet higher standards .
19 The immediate cause for concern is that changes in the Sun 's diameter are linked with changes in its heat output .
20 Wolpe 's argument is that changes in the labour process have resulted in a disjunction between the skills taught by the education system and the skills ( or , in a sense , lack of skills ) demanded in the labour market .
21 The crucially important aspect of it is that changes in the level of prices which are foreseen , or are expected , have no effect on the level of output .
22 Another problem , and one discussed at length by Wittgenstein in BB and PI , is that definitions of the lexicographical sort have only limited relevance .
23 The real reason is that competition between the various issuers has forced down the charges levied on the retailers — once as high as 3 to 5 per cent , down to an average of 2.2 per cent in 1988 and now 1.7 per cent and falling .
24 The extraordinary feature of this ceaseless flux is that structures of the cells and the body they compose remain constant whilst their components are replaced .
25 The classical view of the company is that shareholders as the property owners are entitled to all the profits of the enterprise and hence that the company should be run in their interests alone .
26 anyway the girl said well I 'll ring first to see where you get your application form she , and the , Sue phoned and was on the other end and I said oh you should apparently you 've got have erm , er , application form and Mrs going to send you one , I said is that Mrs on the line she said is that Mrs speaking , she said yeah , I said will you tell it 's Mrs she said oh , well , tell Mrs she 's no need to apply I 've got all her details and she is being looked at , you know , we are looking into it anyway erm , as I say I had this letter just after Christmas to say that there was a job coming up at the Mencap at Wellingborough Road , Rushden , and I was being selected and erm would I go up for the informal interview on the Monday and the formal interview at the hospital the next morning , so I went up got the first person there and er she , she , it 's a new , it 's an old house but they 've done it all up and there all papers on the floor and then she said oh I think I 'll pick these up Ir Irene , I said oh call me Joy everybody does and she said alright , OK , I said oh I 'll help you so of course I said , I went straight down with her on the floor picking all these papers up and she , and when the next person come she said poor old Joy ai n't even got in the door and that 's it , she 's already working and she said I can see you 're like me Joy you 'll do a job when you see it 's got ta be done , I said I 've always been the same , I ca n't , I ca n't see a spoon or a bit of paper laying on the floor
27 However , our impression is that committees in the Major Project schools were usually more participatory and less dominated by key senior staff than the examples of these two schools might suggest .
28 One expectation of the ASW is that others in the patient 's social network — relatives , friends , neighbours and so on — should be consulted to help build a picture of the individual and their behaviour ( DHSS , 1983 ; Department of Health , 1989 ) .
29 The central issue which underlies the continuing pattern of human rights violations is that members of the armed forces are rarely brought to justice for the crimes they commit and therefore act with impunity .
30 Under the new law , the only valid excuse for excluding children is that 80% of the flats in a development are occupied by someone aged 55 or more .
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