Example sentences of "[is] [art] [adj -er] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Ruskin 's credo ‘ decoration is the better part of architecture ’ has clearly been put into practice here .
2 Discretion is the better part of valour , or forewarned is forearmed : Associated Press , writing up IBM Corp 's layoffs in New York State , says ‘ Company officials said there was no violence or threats at the plants , although a Kingston sporting goods store that sells guns closed up shop Tuesday morning . ’
3 From the fading elegance of tree-lined Wood Lane to the Wharf car park is no more than 500 yards for a purposeful crow , but for a motorist on the one-way system it is the better part of a mile .
4 As between Morrison and Peter Winterbottom , Morrison had the better season and the better game at Twickenham and he is the better part of three years younger than the 33-year-old English openside .
5 Nor is it easy to say whether the number of towns or the size of the biggest is the better index of urban development .
6 Which is the better measure of costs ?
7 A spokesman said : ‘ She decided caution is the better side of valour . ’
8 One thing is certain and that is the better tolerance of having line ‘ B ’ as the fixed line in a standard trihedron rig .
9 By now , the reader may be on his way to deciding that this is the better world of the two , and to wondering if the poet is trying to get his own back .
10 Reading from left to right , you will see that it is the lower register of speech which is concerned with power/volume and the high register with intelligibility .
11 It is the lower class of constructor , the McDonalds and the Jackie Olivers , who are , and were in Jo'burg , the most intractable .
12 Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki had stated that should the next parliamentary elections be brought forward from 1993 the practice of reserving 65 per cent of seats in the Sejm ( which is the lower house of the National Assembly ) for the former ruling parties , as in the June 1989 elections , should no longer apply .
13 Figure 2 is the lower section of 88 squares in height and Figure 3 is the top section , also 88 squares in height .
14 ‘ Our common goal at the end of the day is the safer use of alcohol among people who drink . ’
15 The first is the greater propensity of people of all ages to live alone or away from their families ; many of these are in cohabiting unions , and therefore reflect the failure of statistical presentation to keep pace with changing social trends ( Kiernan , 1986a ) .
16 Not the least among these changes is the greater participation of women in the labour market and their increased career expectations .
17 Another thing the subject can give is the greater enjoyment of the world around , wherever we are .
18 Another factor explaining higher corporate default rates is the greater volatility of company incomes .
19 According to Tukey ( 1977:205 ) , the value of smoothing ‘ is the clearer view of the general , once it is unencumbered by detail ’ .
20 A lot of the motivation for the lyrics is the nastier side of my mental make-up anyway .
21 Apart from media 's own history , there is the wider question of the relation of media to their society .
22 But from where I stand , it is the wider issue of transparency that really counts .
23 An encouraging aspect of the Rossini celebration is the wider view of his art which has opened up in the past quarter of a century .
24 It is the wider satisfaction of a universe which is precisely not subject to order , but has in it uncertainty , novelty , and escape from the past , all somehow agreeably constrained by probability .
25 To the north and west of the Binnenhof is the statelier part of The Hague .
26 One element is the higher element of public sector employment — 38pc here , compared with 21pc in Britain .
27 A major advantage of the digital system of recording flight data , besides the ability to store a great deal of information for a comparatively small weight penalty , is the higher standard of accuracy that goes with it .
28 The chain-smoking Nicholas Ridley is the younger son of the third Viscount Ridley , and has had ancestors on the Tory benches for two hundred years .
29 An old Etonian , Mr Waldegrave , 46 , is the younger son of Earl Waldegrave .
30 Amongst his responsibilities are the relationships between the United Nations and our government and of course for us his very , very special claim to fame is that he is the younger brother of our former chairman Simon Boyd .
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