Example sentences of "[is] [art] [noun sg] of [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 This is the Law of Similars — ‘ like cures like ’ .
2 ( The Pentateuch or the Torah is the Law of Moses found in the first five books of the Old Testament . )
3 The Bible is the law of God , which encourages us to obey God and to live for him .
4 Cairo 's problem is the problem of Egypt epitomized : a huge and rapidly growing population in a confined space .
5 How important is the birth of Jesus to an understanding of Christianity today ?
6 The literature of Madeira is dominated , as is the literature of Portugal , by the Lusiads of Luis de Camões .
7 Another problem is the operation of EC anti-competition law .
8 The first example of inspection that we have chosen is the operation of HM Inspectorate in Britain .
9 Across the road is the Convent of Santa Clara which was built at the end of the fifteenth century and rebuilt in the seventeenth century .
10 It is the Convent of St Saviour that forms the present complex .
11 At the time , it was the ideal job , as is the management of Runrig now .
12 Against it is the evidence of Sir Brian Cubbon and his judgment that the criteria were always honoured .
13 And the only erm body with any integrity and any standing in the eyes of the people of Scotland is the Church of Scotland .
14 Much plainer , but one of the best monastic examples in France is the Church of La Chaise Dieu in the Auvergne ( c. 1344 ) , while in Toulouse , the Church of the Jacobins is a quite different interpretation of Gothic from the north .
15 To impute that Dr Runcie has been an unsuccessful archbishop by quoting falling numbers in that part of the Anglican Communion which is the Church of England is to ignore a whole complex of reasons for a reduction in church-going , including , no doubt , the encouragement of a highly competitive and success-orientated society .
16 ‘ All may ; some should ; none must ’ is the Church of England rule .
17 Ahead is the Church of St Mary Magdalene of the Domenican nuns .
18 To the right of the tenement is the Church of St Martin 's in the Wall .
19 A very good example here is the Church of S. Miguel de la Escalada , built as part of a monastery in 912–13 .
20 The classic surviving example of this pattern is the Church of S. Martin at Frómista , which is roughly half-way between Burgos and León on the route .
21 Not far from the Wawel Hill in Cracow is the Church of S. Andrew ( 1086 ) , which , despite a Baroque interior , is a fairly well preserved Romanesque building , especially in its fortified , massive walls .
22 A smaller example , but one which retains its original character , is the church of S. Sabina , built 425 , with apsidal mosaics dating from 822 ( 174 ) .
23 Next door to La Martorana is the Church of S. Cataldo , built in 1161 .
24 Also built by the Normans in 1132–48 but containing Byzantine and Saracenic craftmanship is the Church of S. Giovanni degli Eremiti ( S. John of the Hermits ) .
25 At the back of the Palazzo Reale , and reached from the Via Pecorari which runs behind it , is the church of San Gottardo .
26 Tacked on to the back of the building is the church of San Raffaele , entered from Via San Raffaele .
27 On the far side of Palazzo Marino from Piazza della Scala is the church of San Fedel , an interesting building .
28 A little to the west of Casa Litta is the church of San Vito al Pasquirolo , a church in a more than usually pretty Baroque style that once stood in meadow land , its position explaining the name — ‘ San Vito in the pasture ’ .
29 Oloron 's other remarkable monument is the church of Sainte-Marie , in the quarter of that name , on the other bank of the Gave d'Aspe .
30 Next door to it is the Church of SS .
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