Example sentences of "[is] [art] [noun sg] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This is the Law of Offences ( i.e. crimes ) against the State and those under its protection , calling for prosecution usually by officials of the State .
2 This is not to deny that the purpose of teaching is the education of children , but to stress the crucial relationship between a teacher 's professional development and his or her personal growth .
3 Firstly , there is the problem of omissions : only a proportion of crimes and offenders are included in the official figures .
4 Having done that we then talked about the problem that we all have on these sorts of occasions which is the problem of nerves and we talked about the symptoms of dry voice and the shaking limbs the the wonky voice and the reasons why we have er these nerves and we also talked about the causes of the the primitive instinct of fight or flight er how we get get our body ready to handle this unusual situation .
5 Its name was given to it by Jesuit missionaries in South America who saw the flowers as a representation of the Crucifixion — the corona is the crown of thorns , the anthers the five wounds in the hands , feet and side of Christ , the three styles , the nails , the five petals and five sepals 10 of the disciples , less Peter and Judas , the hand-shaped leaves and tendrils the hands and whips of Christ 's torturers .
6 In simple terms adsorption is the attraction of molecules onto the surface of a solid .
7 Cassidy 's ( 1986 ) dispirited view is that the ‘ major obstacle to curriculum change is the resistance of teachers .
8 A system 's explicit purpose is the exploitation of resources — in this case , energy — in the interests of productivity and economy .
9 In later records , notably the census returns of 1841 and 1851 , he was said more specifically to follow the trade of fancy weaver , that is the manufacture of waistcoats and other garments with decorative patterns .
10 The main business of the company is the manufacture of dyestuffs , and intermediates that are part of the dyestuffs chain .
11 Additionally , an implication of the suggestions on the contribution of non-executives made above is the opportunity of reports by non-executives on the watching briefs .
12 Another case in which experience has been shown to influence development is the pecking of chicks .
13 More complex still is the management of partners who form nine other agencies and influences .
14 But it is the evidence of passengers like Maureen Chappell , 43 , which threatens to bring the more facts into the open .
15 The notion that we crucially need , I think , to do justice to the conflicting claims of the amateur and the professional in these matters , is the idea of thresholds .
16 Gone too is the idea of artists as necessarily male , white and immersed in their isolated subjectivity — the paradigm of modernism — free from , yet dependent upon the remainder of the social process .
17 This is the idea of economies of scope .
18 Not least of these is the support of grandparents and friends who raise money locally to help finance Graham 's trips to London .
19 Perhaps the most crucial part of the golf swing is the change of directions at the top of the backswing .
20 One of the benefits of being at a university is the range of lectures that are put on each week on topics ranging from Chinese ceramics to nuclear power stations .
21 This is the range of possibilities .
22 Less expensive , but very good and popular among amateur ranks , is the range of secateurs produced by Wilkinson Sword .
23 Why is the disappearance of crocodiles bad news for fish ?
24 One of the consequences he claims for this theory is the disappearance of ideas ‘ to the precise extent that it has emerged that their existence is inscribed in the actions of practices governed by rituals defined in the last instance by an ideological apparatus ’ ( Althusser 1971 : 159 ) .
25 The point is , to what extent is the abuse of women and men as workers over and above capitalist exploitation in a particular society more characteristic inside than outside of TNCs ?
26 my Lord er C is the freedom of services
27 One of the greatest assets of our educational arrangements is the freedom of schools to respond to differing circumstances in their localities and to encourage the enterprise and strength of their teachers .
28 I will see that happening , but it is the freedom of schools to choose that is all important , and there are some particular elements of expertise which are not available to schools because it 's not available centrally , and I believe that giving schools their budgets goes a great way to meeting this .
29 What is the attitude of companies to headhunters poaching their people ?
30 What is the attitude of friends , neighbours and the community to mixed marriages ?
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