Example sentences of "[is] [prep] his [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Well , oh yes , but that 's , that 's for his phone so that he does n't need a he does n't need hands so he can hold the steering wheel when he answers the phone .
2 He is very affectionate , and I would n't be without him now , and he has been to the vet 's for his injections so as to avoid another disaster .
3 And it is for his gaffes as much as his gifts that old Colemanballs — the column Private Eye named after them — will be remembered .
4 he 's off his morphine completely
5 ‘ The same rug 's under his feet too .
6 Oh yeah , they colonised all these places but it makes you wonder , you know , you see all this unemployment and of course this John Major 's in his answer now is ooh well it 's the same everywhe , it 's not , not here , it 's everywhere !
7 ‘ He 's in his office now .
8 Apart from single letters , there is from his hand only a fragment of the History of Scotland , 1830 , complementing the galley and page proofs already in the national collection .
9 ‘ She is in his presence far too much . ’
10 Li Po is leaving the world of men for a far more perfect world but there is in his poem nonetheless the idea that he might have wanted both of these worlds , but he has lost one of them ; thus he is chastened .
11 They have erm I bet father Christmas is in his grotto there now .
12 Eva is in his bedroom now .
13 Gareth Davies is over his injury too .
14 Alec here 's on his year out from college , Donald 's our mechanic , Warren … ’
15 A loving family is the best medicine till he 's on his feet again . ’
16 I told him to get up and put some clothes on — he 's on his way round to Florrie 's now , to say that Eb 's staying with us .
17 Somebody 's on his way over , he was told .
18 He 's on his way up now .
19 He 's on his way in , though . ’
20 Magistrate Peck 's on his way there with a whole lot of militiamen .
21 ‘ He 's on his way back to the hotel , ’ Vashinov reported as he put down the phone .
22 ‘ Finn 's on his way back . ’
23 Yeah it 's a I would guess that this er we you know , when they come down and the strips and they go back up again , it looks as if perhaps that 's what 's happened here because the the rope has sort of got this twist in it and one imagines that when they jump down it 's not quite er er right and so perhaps he 's on his way back up again .
24 Then Graham switched on his intercom and snapped , ‘ Tell Sam Sir Daniel 's on his way down , wants his car at the front , ’ before sitting down heavily and sweeping the two newspapers on his blotter into the wastepaper basket beside his desk .
25 I think Michael Barrington 's on his way down now — ah , the very man . ’
26 Now he 's on his way now , yes let's get through here , we ca n't hang about here , let's get through and away .
27 Then Creed said , ‘ Dobson 's on his way out . ’
28 Dobson 's on his way out .
29 Iain 's on his way out of the door , and Tommy 's right behind him , tucking the Magnum into the waistband of his jogging pants .
30 Instead he would walk down to the river , take the path to the bridge and pick up his Police Review at Braddan 's on his way home .
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