Example sentences of "[is] [det] which [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the best form of advertising is that which goes on all the time through everyday contact with users of the service .
2 The stable and effective exercise of a government 's power is that which derives from its authority .
3 This rationalist approach is overtly expressed in Fowler 's statement that ‘ The proper excellence of architecture is that which results from its suitableness to the occasion … and this principle rightly pursued leads to originality without the affection of novelty ; but … the present enlightened epoch in architecture is woefully distinguished as having no character of its own nor any pretensions beyond that of adopting the various styles that have prevailed in all ages and nations without regard to the difference of circumstances upon which they were founded ’ ; while the critic J. C. Loudon [ q.v. ] described him as ‘ one of the few modern architects who belong to the School of Reason and who design buildings on fundamental principles instead of antiquated rules and precedents ’ .
4 The rate of tax on chargeable gains is that which results from adding the gain to the individual 's total income .
5 There are exceptional circumstances , such as my total castration or my taking vows as a monk , where my only residual fitness is that which accrues to me through my assistances to relatives .
6 Perhaps one of the most important groups for the stimulation of change is that which falls between these two poles : those teachers who I would see as belonging to the 25 to 35 year-old age group , or perhaps those who have not been teaching for more than six , or less than three , years .
7 The greatest single factor that continues to arise in every type of accident is that which falls under the all embracing heading of ‘ human error ’ .
8 It is that which drives on Walter Smith 's staff and after eight games they remain undefeated — and unaffected by whatever mishaps come their way .
9 Matters are made easier for us in the United Kingdom since the time zone that all others are related to is that which passes through England — Greenwich Mean Time ( GMT ) .
10 Of the suggestions that we have canvassed the one that seems to be the most promising is that which points to the emergence of classical measuring instruments from a quantum mechanical substrate , even if the mode and consistency of this happening is harder to comprehend than Copenhagen orthodoxy is willing to recognise .
11 The numerical increase worth counting is that which endures from decade to decade .
12 In the proposed E two the only development that would be permitted is that which needs to be in the open countryside and that 's a much more rigorous test .
13 The Second period is that which starts from the beginning of life and reaches onward to the time when the law of the survival of the fittest with its ruthlessness could no longer serve the aspirations towards increasing happiness that were beginning to creep into the dawning consciousness of primitive man .
14 The place of marketing in libraries is often misjudged , however , particularly because the popular concept of marketing is that which applies to commercial and profit-making organizations .
15 The specific type of information that is of direct use to a potential exporter is that which follows in respect of exporting to Japan .
16 Legal authority is that which rests on the rules of the organisation .
17 The first is that which arises in the case of a thinker , or a group of thinkers , who formulate the principles of a new political theory , usually within the framework of some broader social theory .
18 The determination of the equilibrium level of national income is of central importance in macroeconomic analysis because it is this which determines to a large extent the level of employment in the economy .
19 Companies certainly try to control demand , to channel it in known directions , but they are never sure of their market ; the best they can do is to offer a ‘ cultural repertoire ’ , to cover a spread of the likely possibilities in order to minimize the risk — and it is this which accounts for the colossal overproduction of records and the large number that make a loss ( see Laing 1985 : 9–10 , 20 ; Frith 1983a : 92–102 ; Denisoff 1975 : 92–4 ) .
20 First , the process , as outlined in the diagram , is a scheme for research as well as for teaching conventionally considered : each is seen as a concomitant of the other , and it is this which provides for the professional development of the teacher .
21 It is this which leads to low levels of profitability and to a lack of incentive to undertake new investment .
22 The centre will , however , often ‘ attempt to neutralise the influences of local interests in local states ’ ( Duncan and Goodwin , 1988 , p. 41 ) , and we claim such an attempt has taken place from 1979 to 1988 and that it is this which lies behind the current restructuring of local-central government relations .
23 The river was generally utilised to make water defences and it is these which give to the châteaux the picturesque quality which so many possess .
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