Example sentences of "[is] [det] [to-vb] and [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 How may the message be disentangled from the original imagery through which it was conveyed , or is this to distort and change its meaning Farrer has been criticized by Ian Barbour who writes : ‘ By his appeal to authority , Farrer makes ‘ authorized images ’ immune to criticism … .
2 There is much to see and admire indoors .
3 There is much to see and enjoy in town but you could spend all your time walking through the Tatra National Park where there are hundreds of miles of paths and breathtaking views .
4 On this score there is much to deplore and despise in the activities of those who have systematically contributed to the breakdown of our society by embracing policies which have removed , progressively , the props of discipline and authority .
5 There 's much to see and do in Riva .
6 From the Mexican border to Oregon there is enough to see and do to occupy a full-time tourist for at least a year .
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