Example sentences of "[is] [det] [noun sg] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Despite the considerable attention given to poverty-environment linkages amongst donor policy agencies , there is little clarity as to the precise causal relationships involved .
2 Task delegation is thus more common , since for most managers there is little choice but to hand on work .
3 Even if it is likely that a Labour administration would have failed in the round to solve Britain 's fundamental problems , there is little doubt that at a minimum there would have been a substantial redistribution of income and some attempt to reform the City , regulate public utilities more strongly and determinedly tackle the homelessness problem .
4 There is little doubt that under any future administration we will get a larger supply of index-linked gilts . ’
5 Furthermore , there is little doubt that within the Hebrew scriptures , there are recorded some of the most valuable pieces of wisdom and rules for righteous living , as are to be found anywhere , and it is these particular tenets and doctrines , which need to be separated , completely and utterly from the dogmatic claims of ‘ god-given ’ rights and superiorities which have always been , and always will be , unacceptable to the rest of the human race .
6 There is little doubt that by going on to the offensive the UN force saved Zaire from being cut in two by civil war .
7 There is little doubt that in the Monopolies and Mergers Commission-inspired upheaval in the brewing industry Scottish represents the most obvious entry into the British beerage by an overseas group .
8 There is little doubt that in his reference to ‘ people ’ he was excluding Professor Barker for whom he had a high regard .
9 The Financial Times , for example ( 1986 ) , has suggested that ‘ there is little doubt that in commercial terms the LDDC has been a success ’ .
10 Yet there is little doubt that in most countries a good deal more could be done to get people talking and thinking about proposed changes .
11 This is not so , however : there is little doubt that in both interpretations pencil refers to the whole object ( or at least potentially does so ) .
12 There is little doubt that in this case human judgement would need the help of instrumentation .
13 Nevertheless there is little doubt that in the cases of Frederick and Joseph at least a feeling that an enlightened ruler ought to be above merely personal and family considerations , that it was his duty to sacrifice them ruthlessly on the altar of the State , was a factor in their behaviour to their own blood relations .
14 When there are more than one stand-off per side , there is little doubt as to which way round the spars are fitted .
15 There is little assurance as to how individual participants or the overall market will behave .
16 Such a state of affairs is related to that of ‘ The Kafirs of South Africa ’ who have , we are told , ‘ no definite social structure ’ and whose ‘ notion of Umkulunkulu , one of their chief divinities , [ is ] … extremely hazy , and there is little agreement as to who he really is . ’
17 There has been a greater social and economic input in structure plans than in development plans , but there is little agreement as to the scope of social planning ( R. Williams 1976 ) .
18 There is little agreement as to what the concept of integration implies , and the whole process is set against a backdrop of rapidly shifting opinion as to the legitimate scope of environmental policy itself .
19 While there is little ambiguity as to what ‘ happens ’ in the novel , the temporal perspective from which events are recounted is not well defined .
20 There is little dispute that in terms of physical regeneration both MDC , in its initial area , and LDDC have been visibly successful .
21 THERE 'S little doubt that over the past decade the British public has been moving towards the Tory party 's ideal of a nation of home owners .
22 Their always is that question but for a cleaner bus and city centre there is a bill to pay
23 The problem is that average or below average performers may not feel sufficiently motivated to put in any extra effort if they consider that only top performers are likely to win .
24 Let me give you some other examples in case you feel there is some doubt because of course it 's one test .
25 There is some doubt as to whether a latent inhibitor can produce this effect .
26 These verses do not appear in all early manuscripts and there is some doubt as to whether they were originally part of Luke 's Gospel . )
27 Systems of animal ‘ communication ’ are held to be mere signalling systems , systems for which there is some doubt as to the meaningfulness of the messages contained therein as opposed to their characteristic causal efficacy in evoking or triggering certain responses .
28 As we will see , there is some doubt as to whether the distinction between jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional errors of law still exists in modern law , but for the sake of this discussion we will assume that it does .
29 Although there is some doubt as to whether or not he appreciated this , he could not commit himself without in practice committing his party — unless he was to be replaced .
30 There is some doubt as to whether a health authority is primarily liable , i.e. that it owes a non-delegable duty to its patients .
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