Example sentences of "[is] [vb pp] to [be] more " in BNC.

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1 When set , it is claimed to be more crack-resistant and harder than normal concrete .
2 Version 5.0 is claimed to be more portable , with better application programming interfaces : ‘ commercially cleaned up ’ , is how SGI described it .
3 There is now a wide variety of hues available , but the deluxe warm white is considered to be more appropriate for people who are visually handicapped than lighting which is blue-white ( Jay , 1978 ) .
4 She has redpointed Ceuse 's Vagabone , which is an excellent effort , especially as it is considered to be more difficult for those of limited height .
5 Some differences were observed between the results obtained using ELISA and those with dot assay , which is considered to be more sensitive than ELISA .
6 SPAR is sensitive to different degrees of referential success , in that a reference to a focused entity is deemed to be more ‘ successful ’ than a reference to an unfocused one .
7 That would be a scandal anywhere else on the planet , but it will be a blessing for Brazil , where the price rise in May is expected to be more than 30% .
8 Her chess , too , is said to be more positional .
9 But even Fujitsu is said to be more interested in Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT and the new Unix axis it is forging with its affiliates — see opposite .
10 The Americans position is said to be more complicated .
11 The former could cover all cases but it is felt to be more appropriate to use fairness in the context of , for example , company inspectors , or immigration officers .
12 Ford Q1 is a total quality commitment and in many ways is felt to be more difficult to achieve than BS 5750/ISO 9000 .
13 The United States sent $65m ( £40m ) of military aid to Colombia , but this has been called inappropriate and is alleged to be more suitable for fighting Colombia 's left-wing guerrillas than the cocaine mafia .
14 Depicting a muscular young man , naked and balancing on his left leg , it is thought to be more than 370 years old and the most significant example of Renaissance sculpture to come up for auction .
15 For example the Oak at the corner of the restaurant is thought to be more than 600 years old .
16 Local knowledge of the quality of land and its potential is thought to be more important .
17 It is widely believed that the United Kingdom has a rising crime wave , and crime is thought to be more widespread in the United Kingdom than in other western countries .
18 The mode of genetic inheritance is thought to be more complex than for bipolar depression , partly because the morbidity risk for relatives of affected individuals is much lower ( Akiskal , 1979 ) .
19 Mr Lang 's caution about the timing of the bill is thought to be more to do with protocol rather than an indication that the whole issue might be delayed .
20 The steering group 's proposals may seem a touch elaborate but , for two reasons , appraisal in education is bound to be more complex than in other areas of life .
21 A nicely bound A4 format logbook is bound to be more expensive than a tatty exercise book , but as well as being more effective it will also look much more impressive on the chart table or in the bookcase !
22 For that reason , the exercise of critical abilities in the sciences is bound to be more restricted than in the arts and the humanities .
23 ‘ Working in a much smaller department , my work is bound to be more varied .
24 There is no single , universally accepted type of service that is known to be more successful in the management of attempted suicide patients thin any other .
25 If your elderly relative is unfortunate enough to be registered with a doctor who is impatient with the older patients on his list and not particularly interested in geriatric medicine , the best thing to do is to try to get her transferred to the list of another doctor in the area whose attitude towards his elderly patients is known to be more sympathetic and thorough .
26 Asian rhino horn is believed to be more potent and is worth around £30,000 a kilo , while the larger African horn fetches only £1,000 a kilo .
27 But in the classroom , the roles are often reversed : the person who asks the questions is the one who is assumed to be more knowledgeable .
28 However , schema-consistent information is assumed to be more easy to integrate into existing memory structures and more likely to be subsequently recalled since active schema guide and cue the retrieval process ( Brewer & Treyens , 1981 ) .
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