Example sentences of "[is] [vb pp] as be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This is because the repayment of tax is treated as being made in respect of the accounting period in which the surplus ACT arose ( as opposed to the periods in which it was offset ) ( s 825(4) ( a ) ) .
2 Most of them fall into one ( or sometimes more ) of three categories in this respect : the disposition is seen as being inherited , acquired or invented .
3 Language use among individual bilinguals is seen as being governed by these norms .
4 The crisis is seen as being located very specifically within the prison system — it is not seen as a crisis of the whole penal system , or of the criminal justice system , let alone as a crisis of society as a whole .
5 If the prime function of judicial review is seen as being to provide remedies against unlawful behaviour by government , then there should be only an absolutely minimal standing requirement such as ‘ taxpayer ’ or ‘ citizen ’ , or even no requirement at all ( ‘ any person ’ ) .
6 Reid suggested that the CYPA had ‘ led to truancy being considered as a symptom of distress which is seen as being allied to the social and educational problems of the individual child ’ .
7 These assumptions will be detrimental to the black child if he or she is seen as being rescued from a life of misery .
8 Turnaround will be measured from the time a request is entered at the terminal to the time printing is logged as being completed by RSCS or the batch monitor .
9 Beyond Dean Hill the principal line is interpreted as being deflected southeastwards , continuing as the underlying cause of the Portsdown structure , crossing the Sussex coast east of the Middleton well .
10 Their intention is assessed as being to seize the oil installations at the earliest opportunity .
11 In making a decision on the first of the three cases cited , the Commissioner communicated with the Chief Executive of the National Health Service Management Executive , asking him about a health authority 's duty to provide continuing nursing care which is assessed as being needed , and which is not otherwise available .
12 The electromagnetic attraction is pictured as being caused by the exchange of large numbers of virtual massless particles of spin 1 , called photons .
13 The other difference is that in the James-type account the mind is pictured as being related to the body in a certain manner .
14 In the quantum mechanical way of looking at the gravitational field , the force between two matter particles is pictured as being carried by a particle of spin 2 called the graviton .
15 It ought to be able to offer more psychological and psychiatric help to the men who inhabit its strange , grey world ; more group work as well as individual help is acknowledged as being required by the staff , including the Probation Officer , who have a special responsibility for it , for these are men for whom the risk of reconviction is often very high .
16 An extremely useful model of the meaning of a word , which can be extracted from the contextual relations , is one in which it is viewed as being made up , at least in part , of the meanings of other words .
17 No. 21E ( formerly 46 ) is recorded as being sent to Charlton Works for an annual overhaul in October 1933 and returned to Thornton Heath in ‘ L.C.C .
18 Dick , weighing in at 16lb , is recorded as being caught 27 times in two years .
19 An opening example : If the price is advertised as being reduced and yet the house has never been on the market before , then it clearly can not have been reduced .
20 Some change is perceived as being effected within the curriculum itself , however conceived , as in the case of the introduction of new subjects to the timetable .
21 Again we find gaps in the fortunes of the Palace as on the death of Haymo the buildings in all his manors were decaying for want of repair , and our next mention of the Palace is in 1359 , when the Manor of Halling with its hamlet is mentioned as being taxed at £38 10 8d .
22 A senior British officer , on a visit to the trenches , is quoted as being astonished to observe German soldiers walking about within rifle range behind their own line .
23 The current shortage of both the SE/30 and IIcx machines is quoted as being caused by a larger than expected take-up in the corporate market .
24 The play is taken from Plutarch 's Lives , in which Artemidorus is described as being born in the Isle of Guidos , and a Doctor of Rhetoric in the Greek tongue .
25 The " image " or " likeness " of God ( 1:27 ) : of all creation , only man ( including both man and woman ) is described as being made in God 's likeness .
26 The church is described as being built on ‘ three tiers ’ .
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